US WTS SE Account with 2 POL Accounts--NIN/COR/RNG Main + EBISU dual box + 14M GIL

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Final Fantasy XI, 3/22/12.

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  1. Final Fantasy XI

    Final Fantasy XI
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    This offering is two POL accounts linked by a common SE account, so they cannot be separated. But, you wouldn't want to separate them anyway!


    The main is a very good account, on the verge of great. She is a Mithra, level 90 on ninja, corsair, and ranger, capped merits and limits, very well geared, with lots of abyssites and atmas. She is well on her AF3 way and has all of the trials done through level 75 for both gun and katana. As far as crafting, she is level 100 leathercraft with both a Golden Fleece and a Tanner's Signboard, plus she is level 90 fishing with the Serpent Rumors key item and 1 of 2 Ebisu quest items. Finally, this account has over 14M gil on it for your customization! All of the prep work is done for you to just have fun putting on the finishing touches!

    More screenies to follow!


    The second account is more than just a fishing mule; this Tarutaru Male is 100 fishing skill with an Ebisu rod. What's more, he has Sky and Sea access, is a level 84 black mage, and has managed to pick up a second lunar abyssite and a few very useful atmas along the way.
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