US WTS: Mithra 90x12 : Lots of Gear/Atma/Merits : Transfer Available

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Final Fantasy XI, 3/22/12.

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  1. Final Fantasy XI

    Final Fantasy XI
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    Mithra Face 5-A
    Transfer is Available
    Current Server: Quetzalcoatl
    Linked to Square Enix ID w/ token detached
    Original owner info and CD Key available

    Bids start at $300. Paypal only accepted with 5+ feedback, otherwise WU is required.

    WAR 90 MNK 90
    WHM 90 BLM 90
    RDM 90 THF 90
    PLD 90 DRK 30
    BST 20 BRD 90
    RNG 53 SAM 90
    NIN 90 DRG 90
    SMN 10 BLU 90
    COR 20 PUP 01
    DNC 50 SCH 55

    Has all of the important Abyssea Jobs (WAR/NIN/THF/BLM/WHM/BLU) and has all grellow proc spells obtained.

    Has completed all Abyssea main quests for Abyssite of Discernment and has cleared Shinryu and obtained Atma of the Apocalpyse (along with Twilight Belt, Cape, Torque and Knife). Has all of the important atma for DD (RR/VV/GH/SS/AoA), cleaving (IT/SH/MC), refresh (MM/Ambition/FM), etc.

    Everything (gear/craft/jobs/merits/etc) can be viewed in the pictures, PM me with questions if you are an interested buyer. The account has 390k gil on hand.

    This account was purchased on this site and has had multiple owners with no contact from the OO. **This is much safer than purchasing from an OO who can easily reclaim if they want to after receiving payment! The OO of this account has been out of the picture for years. You can verify the history of ownership changes via the Customer Service menu in the POL browser.

    Character Info:
    Character Gear:
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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