US WTS Mithra 4x90, 4x75+ KANNAGI 5/5 usukane, twilight, bullwhip belt Great account!

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Final Fantasy XI, 3/22/12.

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  1. Final Fantasy XI

    Final Fantasy XI
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    Account Details~
    Mithra Face - 6 Hair - B
    Linked to SE ID, Satchel available Token Deactivated
    OO info available
    CD keys available
    Comes with 500k gil on hand
    Server transferable

    RotZ - The Last Verse
    CoP - The Last Verse
    ToAU - Eternal Mercenary
    Assault - First Lieutenant
    Altana - Cait Sith
    Campaign - Bronze Ribbon of Service
    C.Prophecy - The Echo Awakens
    M.KupoD'etat - Rescue! A Moogle's Labor of Love
    S.Ascension - A Shantotto Ascen.

    WAR 90 MNK 90
    WHM 75 BLM 37
    RDM 20 THF 81
    PLD 24 DRK 44
    BST 9 BRD 89
    RNG 22 SAM 90
    NIN 90 DRG 0
    SMN 75 BLU 21
    COR 14 PUP 25
    SCH 23 DNC 40

    Has most the atma you will need, if you want a list of these can send me a PM.

    Kannagi - lv 85
    5/5 Usukane
    4/5 Marduk (includes 25 and 35 peice for body)
    4/5 Hecatomb (Missing Legs)
    Twilight Belt
    Twilight Torque
    Twilight Cape
    Velocious Belt
    Bullwhip Belt
    Skadi's Chausses
    Skadi's Jambeaux
    Assassin's Armlets
    Epona's Ring
    Iga Hakama +2
    Iga Kyahan +2
    Iga Tekko +1
    Unkai Haidate +2
    Unkai Sune-ate
    Unkai Nodowa
    Tantra Hose +2
    Tantra Crown +1
    Tantra Gaiters +1
    Tantra Tathlum
    Orison Pantaloons +2
    Orison Duckbills
    Orison Cape
    Loki's Kaftan
    Danzo Sune-ate
    Hiradennotachi +2 (Tachi: Fudo)
    Varangian Helm
    Augur's Jaseran
    Black Belt

    Ravagers Cuisses +1
    Byakko's Haidate
    Agasaya's COllar
    Iga Erimake
    Peacock Amulet
    Goliard Chapeau
    Bard's Roundlet
    Denali Jacket
    Goliard Saio
    Shura Togi
    Oracle's Rob
    Yigit Gomlek
    Serpentes Cuffs
    Serpentes Sabots
    Homam Cosciales
    Shura Haidate
    Oracle's Braconi
    Karura Hachigane
    Opo-opo Crown
    Timarli Jawshan
    Aurore Doublet
    Koga Chainmail
    Summoner's Doublet
    Yinyang Robe

    Good amount of seals for upgrading and much more equipment that is unlisted.

    Very good account

    Bids start @ $500 USD
    Buyout is set @ $950 USD
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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