US WTS Empyrean Acct. 15/16Maat Jobs (Bst not lvld) + DNC @ 90

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Final Fantasy XI, 3/22/12.

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  1. Final Fantasy XI

    Final Fantasy XI
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    Selling this acct which I have had for awhile, sold, then bought back and played again for about 3 years. Has been a lot of fun playing and all but, when you are working 12 hrs a day, your play time gets raped .

    From the pics you can clearly see the jobs leveled and some of the nice gear the acct has. A complete gear pic list will be posted when I have it done, which will be soon.

    Merits... with all the jobs that are leveled I hardly want to take the time to spell out each job and merits I played with. All you need to know is that merits are capped for every job on every level on this acct, and the acct has 20 merits stored on it. Not to mention that if you wanted to change any of them you could use the 20 stored and get the rest of the merits in about 30mins in abyssea so mentioning them seems moot to me.

    Gil... this account currently has 8mil on it.

    Also included will be the acct codes, all my spellcast files (2.22) and all of my scripts. Which trust me takes a long time with all the jobs that are leveled.

    PM me REASONABLE offers. Please dont waste my time. Id sell this to first person who offers me 1k with all the gil on it. If the gil pushes you out of your budget maybe we can work something out. Im looking to get rid of this pretty quick so basically the first person who gives me a reasonable number that im ok with gets this acct.
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