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Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Final Fantasy XI, 3/22/12.

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  1. Final Fantasy XI

    Final Fantasy XI
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    Missions - Rank 10 sandy
    CoP done, ZM done
    Aht urghan - teahouse mission
    atlanta - beginning
    Kupo de etat (fin)
    woTg - cait sith

    Jobs -
    92 RDM 90 COR
    58 SAM
    56 BRD WHM
    52 DNC



    Zoral Ja's Axe, Rune Axe x2, Glyph axe, Richardet's Axe +2 (Attacks 2-3 times), Bounty Sickle

    Hecatomb cap, Brisk mask, Spurur's berret, optical hat, bison warbonnet, walarah turban

    Wiglen gorget, Peacock charm, chivalrous chain, ferine neck

    Brutal/Loq/Kemas,Assault Earring, Businomimi

    Kirin's Osode, Alcide's Harness, Gaudy harness

    Hands :
    dusk gloves +1, Hecatomb mittens, aurore gloves

    Rings :
    Rajas ring, Keen Ring, Paguroidea Ring, heed ring

    Back :
    Cerb mantle, Foragers mantle

    waist :
    Accursed belt, Swift belt, warwolf belt, Beir Belt

    Jingjang hose, Aurore legs

    Hecatomb leggings, Perle legging



    Ban, Hayabusa, Ichi-an, fudo, Seinju, Hades sainti

    Brisk mask, walarah turban, Optical hat

    Neck : Wiglen gorget, Peacock charm, chivalrous chain

    Kirin's Osode, Alcide's Harness, War Shinobi Gi

    Hands :
    dusk gloves +1, aurore gloves, slither gloves, koga tekko

    Rings :
    Rajas ring, Keen Ring, Paguroidea Ring, heed ring

    Brutal/Loq/ Earring, Businomimi

    Back :
    Cerb mantle, Foragers mantle

    Jingjang hose, Aurore legs, Koga legs


    Ballerines, Aurore feet, Af feet

    ammo :
    Qirmiz Tathlum


    HEad - Hecatomb, Homam, Walarah, af, Brisk mask, aegisjahlmer, optical hat
    Weapon - Langdebeve+3, Love halberd, Kinkobo
    Sub - Pole grip, sword strap
    Ammo - angon, Thew Bomblet
    Neck - Chiv chain, chanoix gorget, Peacock charm, Wiglen gorget
    Ears - Bushi, Pixie earring, kemas earring
    body - Lancers +1, Timarli Jawshan, Nuevo Coselete, Assault jerkin, scorpion harness, af
    hands, Hecatomb, dusk +1, wyrm, af,
    rings, ecorphia, rajas, Keen/heed ring, Paguroidea Ring
    back - foragers mantle, cerb mantle
    Waist - warwolf belt, swift belt, accursed belt, glassblowers belt
    legs - lancer +1, af +1, relic legs, jingjang hose
    feet - af, relic, hecatomb, perle, rutter sabatons, Lancer +1

    Head - AF, Teal, walarah, zenith crown
    Weapon - all nq staves, joytoy, justice sword, terras/aquilos staff
    Sub - bugard leather strap +1, pole grip, sword strap
    Ammo - Hedgehog bomb
    Neck - Phrenic Torque, Noetic torque, spider torque, elemental torque
    Earrings - loquacious, bushinomimi, moldavite, antivenom, Graiai Earring
    Body - duelist tabard, af body, teal body, errant body
    Hands - Zenith, teal, warlocks, duelists, dusk +1
    Rings - Ecorphia, electrum ring, ether ring, rajas ring, serket ring, bifrost ring
    back - rainbow cape, prism cape, Vita cape
    waist - swift belt, heirarch belt, Deulist's belt
    legs - Af legs,teal legs, sagacy lappa, Adapa's Slacks
    feet - River gaiters, deulist boots, teal boots


    Weapons :
    Hades sainti, cats claws (add 5% damage), Wagh Baghnakhs

    Head: Pantin Taj, walarah turban, brisk mask, optical hat, spururs beret

    Neck : Wiglen gorget, Peacock charm, chivalrous chain

    Body: Alcide's Harness, aurore body

    Ranged : Animator, turbo animator

    Brutal/Loq/Kemas, Businomimi

    Hands : Cirque +1. aurore gloves, slither gloves

    Rings :
    Rajas ring, Keen Ring, Paguroidea Ring, heed ring

    Back :
    Karagoz Mantle

    Accursed belt, Swift belt, Beir Belt, Shaolin belt, Cirque Sash

    Legs: Aurore

    Feet: pantin feet, aurore

    Notable cor gear :

    Relic head/body

    200K GIL on hand

    Majority of the jobs fully merited pm for details

    Pm with bids
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