Sold [US] P8100 Barb/Necro/DH/Sader/Wiz w/Cosmic Wings!!

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Bambino50501, 1/18/20.

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  1. Bambino50501

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    My Location:
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    D3 Deluxe/RoS/Necro pack (maximum possible characters and maximum stash tabs)
    Account is currently P8100 nonseason and P800 on season 19 (season 19 journey has been fully completed)
    17 character slots (maxed out)
    13 stash tabs (maxed out)

    Many insane endgame characters with near-perfect gear and rift/GR builds:
    WW/Rend barb
    LoD necro
    Multishot DH for farming keys/bounties
    GR120 solo Impale DH
    Aegis Shotgun sader for gem leveling (solo GR130+ capable)
    Vyr's wiz with Vyr's/Crimson for GR's and Tal's/Cain's builds for T16 rifts
    Akkhan's Condemn sader
    LoD Bomb sader

    Rank 145 Bane of the trapped, Taeguk, Gogok and Zei's gems
    Rank 140 Enforcer
    All other gems 130+
    A character inventory full of nonseason legendary gems, all level 130+ (except for hoarder, esoteric, iceblink)

    A true gift for the serious cosmetics collector:
    COSMIC WINGS/Trag'Oul wings/falcon wings/season 17 Galactic wings/Season 16 wings/Rainbow portrait frame
    Anniversary event has been completed (obtained the pets,transmogs,portrait frames and red gem)
    30 total pets,including many of the season-specific pets
    Most, if not all, of the available transmogs (including Wirt's original leg, Mace of the Crows,Spectrum, Hamburger, etc)

    Enough materials to build/gear most any character you wish:
    ~15,000 bounty materials (each)
    Millions each of yellow/blue/white materials
    570K+ DB's/1.5million souls
    2000 GR keys

    I am the original and only account owner
    Never been banned or warned
    Never used any rollbacks
    Battletag and email can be changed
    Screenshots or additional info available upon request

    I've spent a long, long time getting this account up over P8000 and trying to get as many near perfect builds as possible.
    Unlike most of the listings here, this account has 17 character slots, all 13 stash tabs and TONS of crafting/bounty mats
    Price: $950 USD Paypal

    Middleman can be used (buyer pays MM fee)
    Discord: DustyOne#6945
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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