US FFXI account for sale! Tons of jobs 95 - $250 OBO

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Final Fantasy XI, 3/22/12.

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  1. Final Fantasy XI

    Final Fantasy XI
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    ffxi account on shiva server 15war 71whm 86rdm 95drk 37smn 4sch 6brd 31mnk 95blm 95thf 95bst 95nin 48dnc, best part is 100fishing 100cooking, also have Ebisu Fishing Rod (Best in game) puffin ring and noddy ring. THIS ACCOUNT CAN MAKE OVER 1MIL GIL A DAY EASY!!!! (i have link to fishing bot as well) 15woodworking. has 5,400,000 gil on hand with over 15mil easy in gear! has a mule with a little gil im not sure the amount. BEST ATMAs in the game, with almost all the twilight gear (got the best of it anyways other stuff is not needed for my jobs because i have better gear) any other questions just ask...

    asking 250 OBO you tell me whats its worth to you!

    contact me via e-mail [email protected]

    texting is best way to reach me.
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