Discussion in 'Heroes of the Storm Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by, 3/15/17.

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    Hello everyone! presents to your attention Heroes of the Storm chaep boosting service and codes (Starterpack, mounts and heroes) for the game.

    Boosting service is avaliable on EU server [with and withount account sharing] and US server [only with account sharing].

    We can boost your account in Hero League and Team League [solo and duo]. Also we can make 10 placement matches (7 wins quarantee), level up your hero or account, complete daily quests, win 1-10-20-50 games and everything else what you want. Just contact me and tell which kind of boost you need. Contacts you will find at the end of this post.

    We accept payment in paypal, skrill, webmoney, bank cards.

    If we boost with account sharing, we will use your account only for completing your order and only at agreed time. We guarantee the safety of all propery in you account.

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    Here you can find cheap (REALLY CHEAP) hero and mount codes for Heroes of the Storm.
    All codes are with instant delivery after payment. Every seller have many feedbacks. All feedbacks can be places only after payment.

    Gul'dan code region free
    Zagara code region free
    Li Li code region free
    Zeratul region free
    Zeratul + Ronin skin region free
    Sonya region free
    Jaina region free
    Raynor + skin Commander region free

    Mount Golden tiger region free

    Starter Pack region free

    Heroes of the Storm Portrait Chen TeSPA

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    We can help you to start new rating season. If you dont have current rank, first of all you need to finish 10 placement matches and ingame matchmaking system will make your personal skill rank.

    We guarantee 6 wins in 10 matches or we will boost 'platinum5 / diamond1' rank for free.

    Price for 10 placement matches _____ ~28 €

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    Our offer for Hero League is very cheap.
    Hero league boosting is avaliable only with account sharing.

    For fast calculation please visit our public page at website There you will find exact prices for every payment method. The initial price is set in rubles, because of this prices in € / $ will change every day a little because of the exchange rate.

    Here I will post approximate prices:

    Bronze to Silver5 _____ ~8 €
    Silver / per division _____ ~3 €
    Gold / per division _____ ~5 €

    Platinum 5 -> Platinum 4 _____ ~18 €
    Platinum 4 -> Platinum 3 _____ ~21 €
    Platinum 3 -> Platinum 2 _____ ~21 €
    Platinum 2 -> Platinum 1 _____ ~21 €
    Platinum 1 -> Diamond 5 _____ ~56 €

    Diamond 5 -> Diamond 4 _____ ~15 €
    Diamond 4 -> Diamond 3 _____ ~15 €
    Diamond 3 -> Diamond 2 _____ ~28 €
    Diamond 2 -> Diamond 1 _____ ~30 €
    Diamond 1 -> Master _____ ~65 €
    Master to GrandMaster _____ ~245 €

    Total price:
    bronze -> master _____ ~320 €
    bronze -> grandmaster _____ ~565 €

    To clarify the price please contact us and we will offer you the best price during our 'low price policy'.

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    Contact information
    Contact me via: skype / email: [email protected] / viber, telegram, whatsapp +7 987 82I II 44 [only text messages]

    Click on the picture to add me in skype and begin
    In skype look for a login '' - there are many scammers...

    It is me:

    By the way, here is my old threads with some feedbacks

    1) first
    2) second
    3) third

    I really hope you will leave feedbacks too after any order. Thank you
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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