Buying  Songbirby's USD BST

Discussion in 'Ourworld Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Songbirby, 1/14/18.

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  1. Songbirby

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    My Location:
    (Everything Songbirby buys will be transferred to my primary account.)
    Going to be inactive until the 25th so don't post until then cause I'm broke until the 25th.
    My secondary account Songbirby, will be for purchasing items with USD only to prevent from getting banned.
    Just a heads up, my Paypal isn't connected to my bank account or a credit card, I just use prepaid cards.
    Has online banking if you're willing to allow interact e-transfers by sending money from emails.
    Unless you have another way I can purchase the items, if you don't trust this site.

    Currently looking for:
    Vamp Teeth and Demon Eyes bundle.
    Offer is:
    $80 each so $160 for the bundle in total.

    My kik is, Songbirby. Feel free to kik me. If ya want a quicker response. <3
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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