Selling [SOLD] LVL 60 MONK Observer's maket (both rune...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell, 3/6/13.

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  1. Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    [SOLD] LVL 60 MONK Observer's maket (both rune sets) Hello, Here for sale I have a very cute 60 lvl female elf monk with both military and divine monk sets + some runes. It has nice build and it is very fun to play, also is well-known nickname in the server (Europe - Observer's Market). Waiting for Your offers in PM Thanks BTW I have done some deals already with people in the forum, for example Xathul and kj598 Here is a pic (isn't she cute? ))) ) . WTS WTS Full epic 60 sin Hello, i am selling a female elf 60 sin, full epic gear rune gear, normal rune shoulders and chest (chest in bank) swift brand epic trinket, kermodes tear trinket, flying lightning bow of offence, reinforced devil's dagger, black lotus, withered ring of offence x1, withered ring of guile x2, reinforced trippers robe, wallow evil cloak, and bloodmonk necklace. on the character the bag space has 48 slots, in the bank it has the full 60 slots. account also comes with a 37 mili monk almost full blue gear, and epic mili monk l and chest. the account also has 109 runes. the account also has 3000 gold, let me know whether u want this included or not. WTS Order and Chaos GOLD currently in whispering island server 1000gold=35$ i do not send first unless you have good rep thanks 10$ extra for transfering server thanks WTS **Order & Chaos Online** LV 60 MAGE--fully decked!! I'm selling Lv 60 MAGE-fully decked and ready to play-- arcadian server. Skill trees are built especially for pvp, but still works well in dungeon. I'll list items that i have equipped here: Finger (ring): - 2x Withered Ring of Sorcery (superior) (18 spell power, 15 spell crit) - 2x Withered Ring of Erudition (superior) (12 sta, 12 wis, 14 spell power) Chest: 1. Black Water Robe (superior) (10 sta, 13 wis, 37 spell power, 14 spell crit) 2. Vanishing Magician's Robe (superior) (12 sta, 16wis, 32 spell power, 10 spell crit) 3. *Reinforced Force Magecloth Robe* (epic) (23 sta, 24 wis, 28 spell power) Back: 1. Ocean's...
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  2. OP
    Ernestas Scevinskis

    Ernestas Scevinskis
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