Selling [SOLD] [EUW] 93 Champions, 37 skins. 1590 ELO. The...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/6/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    [SOLD] [EUW] 93 Champions, 37 skins. 1590 ELO. The satisfaction of my customers is my best weapon as a seller. Check my feedback for further info. Great account for sale!! Champs/Skins: 93 champions, 37 skins including several legacy and legendary skins Akali Stinger Akali - 520 RP Alistar Amumu Pharaoh Amumu - 520 RP (Legacy) Anivia Bird of Prey Anivia - 520 RP Annie Ashe Blitzcrank Brand Cryocore Brand - 975 RP Caitlyn Resistance Caitlyn - 975 RP Sheriff Caitlyn - 520 RP Cho'Gath Nightmare Cho'Gath - 520 RP (Legacy) Gentleman Cho'gath - 1820 RP (Legendary) Dr. Mundo Evelynn Ezreal Fiddlesticks Fiora Nightraven Fiora - 975 RP Fizz Gangplank Minuteman Gangplank - 520 RP Garen Desert Trooper Garen - 520 RP (Legacy) Gragas Graves Heimerdinger Irelia Janna Tempest Janna - 520 RP Jarvan IV Commando Jarvan IV - 520 RP Jax Karma Karthus Phantom Karthus - 460 RP (Legacy) Kassadin Katarina Kayle Kog'maw LeBlanc Lee Sin Traditional Lee Sin - 520 RP Lux Malphite Malzahar Maokai Totemic Maokai - 520 RP Master Yi Headhunter Master Yi - 975 RP Miss Fortune Cowgirl Miss Fortune - 975 RP Waterloo Miss Fortune - 520 RP Mordekaiser Pentakill Mordekaiser - 975 RP Morgana Nasus Nautilus Abyssal Nautilus - 975 RP Subterranean Nautilus - 975 RP Nidalee Nunu Grungy Nunu - 975 RP Olaf Forsaken Olaf - 520 RP Glacial Olaf - 520 RP Orianna Pantheon Poppy Rammus Chrome Rammus - 975 RP Renekton Galactic Renekton - 520 RP Riven Rumble Bilgerat Rumble - 520 RP Ryze Sejuani Shaco Shen Singed Sion Sivir Skarner Sona Soraka Talon Dragonblade Talon - 975 RP Taric Teemo Recon Teemo - 520 RP Tristana Trundle Tryndamere Twisted Fate Twitch Udyr Urgot Butcher Urgot - 520 RP (Legacy) Vayne Aristocrat Vayne - 520 RP Veigar Viktor Vladimir Count Vladimir - 520 RP Volibear Warwick Big Bad Warwick - 520 RP Xerath Runeborn Xerath - 975 RP Battlecast Xerath - 520 RP Xin Zhao Yorick Ziggs Major Ziggs - 975 RP Zilean Runes: 2 pages Marks: x1 Armor x9 Attack Speed x9 Magic Penetration x7 critical chance...
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