Selling [SOLD] Eu west account - 850+win, 1400+ elo, 38...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/10/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    [SOLD] Eu west account - 850+win, 1400+ elo, 38 skin, 81champ Eu WEST account for SALE! Account has 38 skins. Championlist Ahri Akali Alistar - Longhorn + Unchained Amumu - Almost-Prom King Annie Ashe - Amethyst Blitzcrank Cassiopeia Cho'Gath - Battlecast prime [LEGENDARY] Corki Darius Diana - Dark Valkyre Dr. Mundo Evelynn Ezreal - Frosted Fiddlesticks Fiora Fizz - Fisherman's Galio Gangplank Garen Gragas - Esq Hecarim Irelia - Nightblade Janna - War Hero [ SEASON 2 AWARD ] Jarvan IV Jax - Jaximus + Vandal Jayce Karma Karthus - Pentakill Kassadin Katarina - Mercenary Kayle - Judgement [Season 1 award ] Kennen Kog'Maw LeBlanc - Prestigious Lee Sin - Dragon Fist Lux - Soccerer's Malphite - Glacial Malzahar - Vivizer Maokai Master Yi - Chosen Mordekaiser Morgana Nasus Nidalee Nautilus Nunu Olaf Orianna - Gothic Pantheon - Full Metal Poppy Rammus - Frejord Renekton Riven Rumble - Bilgerat Ryze Shaco - Royal Shen Singed - Mad scientist Sion - Warmonger Sivir Skarner - Sandscourge Sona Soraka - Dyrad Talon Taric - Emerald Teemo - Panda Tristana - Riot Tryndamere - Demonblade Twisted Fate Twitch Udyr Urgot Vayne Veigar - White mage Vladimir - Blood Lord Warwick - Tundra Xin Zhao - Winged Hussar Yorick - Pentakill Zilean 5 Runepage with a lot of runes. It has low elo in soloQ about 900 [178win 182lose] BUT i own a ranked team wich is in GOLD TIER ELO so i'll get the WAR HERO JANNA limited SKIN! More info coming. Send me PM if you interested. And for last screens: Elo jobs league of legends Basically my old thread got deleted and I'm far to lazy to retype it all again so here is a quick summary. I am a 2200 elo player looking to do elo jobs for some quick cash. I charge 30$ per 100 elo and will refund the money if I am not done in the required time, Usually takes me 1-2 days per 100 elo. Will not talk or speak to anyone on the account unless told other wise from customer. Will not spend any rp or ip unless. I am very aware that this looks very unprofessional...
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