Selling [Selling] WTS account on CHAOS [Ragnarok]

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Zante1, 8/13/17.

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  1. Zante1

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    Selling BIG account on Ragnarok.

    Lvl job:

    Some Info:
    -> Reward from season 1 & 4 feast.
    (glamour s1 + mount solo s4 + titles "of the gold pack" and "diamond wolf") -> wolf pack title can't be win anymore.
    -> V1-3 savage down, some loot 340 alrdy.
    FFLOG MCH 99%-100% (V1 99%, V2-3 & Ex Death 100%) on savage, trials 99% (lakshmi & susano)
    -> 37 millions gils.
    -> 3 tokens V1-2-3 savage.
    -> Season 5: gold rank atm (season just begin)
    -> Chocobo LVL max. (rank 20)
    -> 148 triple triad cards (cloud included)
    -> Chocobo Gold Saucer - Pedigree 9
    -> 167 000 gold saucer points
    -> Achievements points: 8310
    -> Sightseeing Log: 2.X + 3.X 100% done
    -> Allagan Tomestone of Creation: 930/2000 (and tomestone from V2S for buy weapon of your choice)
    -> Some housing items on retainers from events, POTD reward from floor 200,...
    -> Regional Folklore botany and mining lvl 70 unlocked.
    -> Some relics on retainers (from 2.X and 3.X)
    -> Desynthesis Skill up on 3 job DoH.
    -> ALL beast tribe done. minions + all mounts and title / rank max
    -> Adventurer Squadron (8x lvl 50: 2 tanks, 2 heals, 4 dps)
    -> Rank 50 pvp

    (Dog from feast S4 solo top 100, cumulus, fenrir...)

    (minion from A8S!!!)

    pm me for more info.
    i sell it for 1200$
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  2. SweetCake

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    Hello, what classes do you have at 70 ? And what is the price for this account ? Thanks
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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