Selling Selling Selling R219 Enforcer Account - EU Citadel (High End)

Discussion in 'All Points Bulletin Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by BlackMan97, 12/30/17.

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  1. BlackMan97

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    Hey guys

    I want to sell my APB Account, cause i have no time for gaming. It's a pretty good account in which I invested alot of time (played since 2013) and money. I only accept Paypal and don't hesitate to PM me if you are interested. Just offer me what you are willing to spend and i will see if it's worth. More Account Details:

    R219 Enforcer (Gold)
    Joker: 5210 Tickets
    Ingame $: 1'067'281.-
    Usable G1C: 90 G1C
    Spent G1c: 38,226 G1C (US$477.83)

    Colby CSG PR1 (account bound)
    NHVR 762 Dvah - 3slot (account bound)
    Joker Carbine - 3slot
    NHVR Scout RT1
    NHVR 243-SD PR1
    CMP-45 Bolt - 3slot - (account bound)
    PS Harrier R&D III - 3slot - (account bound)
    Colby PMG MK3 - 3slot - (account bound)
    Tommygun - 3slot - (account bound)
    Atac Patroller
    Obeya Sergant - 1 slot + piercer
    VAS-R2 "Sword" - 3slot - (account bound)
    Oscar - 3slot
    Shaw - 3sot
    PDW-57 Silletto - 3slot - (account bound)
    JG-1040 Tactical - 2slot

    Secondary Weapons + Grenades:
    Colby .45 Ap
    Act 44 "Pillager"
    Frag Grenade
    Percussion Grenade
    Concussion Grenade
    Stun Grenade
    Low-Yield Grenade

    Vegas G20 "Birth Racing" 4 slots
    Vegas "Firebomb" 4 slots
    Jericho 4 slots
    Bishada Kissaki 4 slots + kit (bought that package for enf)
    Packer Ceresco

    Vegas Mega Kit
    Cisco Racing Kit
    Cisco Wheeling Kit

    Premium Clothes:
    Radio Backpack
    Trump Mask (for the luls)

    Char Mods:
    Car Surfer
    Hard Landing
    Radar Jammer
    Valzipram Tablets
    Display Banner
    Clothing Agent 3
    Happy landing 3

    Weapon Mods:
    Mobility Sling
    Hunting Sight 3
    Reflex Sight 3
    3-Point-Sling 3
    Heavy Barrel 2
    2x Muzzle Break
    Cooling Jacket 3
    Improved Rifling 3
    Extended Mag 3
    Magazine Pull 3

    Cuffing Enemies IV
    Spraying IV
    Wiremate IV

    + some gun skins, themes, graffiti, ...

    I just need money so I'm willing to give it for less than the price I invested (500$) without adding my invested time(600+h). Please PM me if you are interested. Thanks.

    Greeting BlackMan
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