Sold [Selling] Selling NW items (PS4)

Discussion in 'Neverwinter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Anneke, 5/2/19.

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  1. Anneke

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    Hello I'm interested in selling my Neverwinter items.
    I have r14 enchants (brutals, radiants, black ice, bondings), feytouched r13, pres/coal wards, ues, etc.
    If you want another items I can buy them off AH - I have 20 mil AD.
    I'm not interested in selling AD though because it's too risky and I don't want to be banned. I'm going to send items through ingame mail.
    1 mil AD item = 7$ or pm me your price. :) Paypal. If you have high reputation I'll go first.
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