Selling Selling Selling end game Crash Fever JP account with 11 FES units

Discussion in 'Crash Fever Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by NFF, 9/15/17.

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  1. NFF

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    Selling this end game account with 11 FES on JP version:

    FES: Celsius, Lagrange, Turing UA, Hubble UA, 2 Jung, Seki, Paletto UA, Maxwell

    Regional Units: Guan Yu, Mazu, Carmilla

    Special events units: Matsuri Artemis, Lily, Matsuri Date, Summer Izanami, Summer Kenshin, Valentine Freyja, Bride Idunn

    Ultimate Wizards: All permanent ulti wiz except Lupine and Memphistopheles, event ones has Iori and Cao Cao.

    Queens Tower units: Have Rose (elfram queen units), all the low cost necessary for Elfram tower, some for Avaricia (Bonanza tower) as well.

    Looking for 100$ via paypal, price is #. Contact me via email at [email protected] or via discord at Ruri#8179. I will also consider a trade if you have an account which is equal in terms of fes, regardless of level.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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