Sold Selling Selling a Lvl 21 Citadel/Level 32 Hero Account with Permanent Bonuses

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XV FFXV - A New Empire Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jaroh, 8/21/17.

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  1. Jaroh

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    Something has come up and I am looking to sell my account for this game.
    Almost 900000 (883146 Currently, but will be higher shortly), Power VIP 6 (1/2 way to VIP 7), over 500000 Loyalty.

    I have 5 permanent boosts:
    50% Construction Time Cost Reduction
    Second Building Queue
    T1 Resource Production Doubler
    50% Construction Tier 1 Resource Cost Reduction
    T1 Resource Production Capacity Doubler
    Maxed out Treasury at Level 5

    - Construction Time Reduction is Level 7
    - Production and Gathering Load are Level 6
    - Gathering Speed is Level 7
    - Construction Speed is Level 7

    - Scouting is Level 10
    - Troop Attack and HP is Level 9
    - All Individual Troop attack and Armor is Level 6
    - Ready to unlock 3rd Level Troops

    - City Defense is all Level 9
    - Trap Attack and HP are Level 7
    - Hospital Healing and Capacity is Level 5
    - Nearly ready for Level 3 Traps

    - Monster Level 3 is done, and all upgrades possible to the current level done, next is Monster Level 4

    - a ton of gems and materials to craft almost any item at legendary (100%).

    Tons of unused Speedups
    - 25 1 minute
    - 64 3 Minute
    - 55 5 Minute
    - 35 10 Minute
    - 81 15 Minute
    - 7 20 Minute
    - 1 25 Minute
    - 66 30 Minute
    - 1 45 Minute
    - 57 60 Minute
    - 55 3 Hour
    - 1 5 Hour
    - 22 8 Hour
    - 11 12 Hour
    - 7 24 Hour
    - 5 March Speed +25%

    Tons of Unused 1 Million/2 Million Resources (and 8 10 Million Food Resources!), both Tier 1 and Tier 2

    Player Rename and Empire Rename and tons of other assorted items.

    Send me a PM if interested. Will entertain reasonable offers. Thanks!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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