Sold Selling SellGold DN. NA and EU Server New promotion week

Discussion in 'Dragon Nest Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Andre1602, 10/9/17.

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  1. Andre1602

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    We have improved our team to better serve them, we have several Gold stocks in our team.

    We are an honest company and we do everything to best serve them

    Not bot I'm trustworthy

    Skype: andre16023

    Payment method: Paypal

    Any questions add on skype !!!

    We have big stock

    thank you guys..

    large stock ...

    Price List:


    10K GOLD = 11.00 USD -----------------10K GOLD = 4.20 USD

    20K GOLD = 22.00 USD -----------------20K GOLD = 8.40 USD

    30K GOLD = 33.00 USD------------------30K GOLD = 12.60 USD

    40K GOLD = 44.00 USD -----------------40K GOLD = 16.80 USD

    50K GOLD = 55.00 USD -----------------50K GOLD = 21.00 USD

    60K GOLD = 66.00 USD -----------------60K GOLD = 25.20 USD

    70K GOLD = 77.00 USD -----------------70K GOLD = 25.20 USD

    80K GOLD = 88.00 USD -----------------80K GOLD = 29.40 USD

    90K GOLD = 99.00 USD ---------------90K GOLD = 33.60 USD

    100K GOLD = 110.00 USD -------------100K GOLD = 37.80 USD

    We make discounts for large quantities:

    I wait for you......

    thank you.....

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