Sold Selling revan reborn& nexu comp legacy unlocked, 20m+ creds 6toons

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ksenia, 7/16/17.

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  1. Ksenia

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    Great RP account, could also make a good starter account.
    PVP gear on main.

    <Ebon Hawk>
    *65 defiant juggernaut male cathar*
    36 juggernaut male zabrak (original main, now just a mule)
    63 powertech female human
    63 assassin female human
    62 operative female twi'lek
    60 famed mercenary male human
    +2 lvl 65 char token slots

    20m+ creds
    800 cartel
    Revan Reborn, Creature companion Nexu,
    and Primeval Stalker legacy bound

    65 jugg has defiant lightsaber with white crystal and lightning tuning
    63 sin with unstable arbiters lightsaber, white crystal, lightning tuning

    Over 800m in items bought.
    Tons of rare outfits, regens and mounts
    All emotes unlocked on 65 hugger-naught

    Species purchased:
    (also some customization options purchased on various available species.)

    A few more good stuff I can think of..
    Snowstorm assault speeder
    Shadow Hand command throne
    Cantina Skiff
    Cyberclaw Vorantikus
    Swamp Rancor
    Volatile Lightsaber
    Ruthless Scion armor
    Dramatic Extrovert armor
    Bold Hellion armor
    Tulak Hord helm
    Revanite champ chest and helm
    Sith Recluse Chest
    Trophy hunter& Glorious charnel masks
    Revan holostate
    Pretty much all regens on main
    (tons of cheaper sets; reavers, commander vizla, silent ghost ....etc)

    Asking 120$, up for negotiations(as I am new to account selling), send me an offer.
    Hasnt been active in a year, aside from logging in randomly to purchase newer items.
    Questions, PM.

    Discord: varg#2245
    Some screenshots
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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