Selling Selling NA account with VIP (2.5 months) and over 15 chars!

Discussion in 'Elsword Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Diandre, 4/14/17.

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  1. Diandre

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    I'm selling my 3 year old Elsword Account for some paypal money , please leave a deal down below!
    Here are the informations:
    VIP (77 days starting from today)
    3 years old (started from 2014)
    ERP 69
    • D1andre (Main) [Mastermind] lvl.99 TRANS
    This is my main character,D1andre.
    Has a 4D Henir Gear 5/5 (NEW) with IV Plagued and Saged Crit/MP attack/Add damage and all +8
    All skills unlocked (HA,Trans,T.Passive)
    CM gear 5/5 including accessories (without the weapon)
    Henir Time and Space seal , Royal Blood Goria
    4/5 Gloomy Set with 3/3 accessories
    5/5 Majestic Butterfly set
    A bunch of Accessories and other things (Fox Bandit costume,Frost Dynamo ,Chibi Costume etc..)
    Has a ride and 5 pets (No Fetch Aura,but VIP pet takes care of that. )
    SS rank in PVP with 40%
    Plenty of titles including (NPC titles except Code Proto, Legendary Fighter S4 SSS,Tri Force etc...)
    • BadDwaggie [Optimus] LVL.99 TRANS
    Sander Gear (Weapon +9 and II plagued with Saged Crit)
    All skills unlocked except T.Passive
    Bunny Pyjama with RUN set 5/5
    Fox Bandit Top Seal and Rose promo diarama (Bottom)
    Feather Effect (Hand accessory)
    Has a pet ( no fetch Aura)
    SS rank in PVP
    • Lawyered [Crimson Rose] LVL.94 TRANS
    Jumping Transcendence set (Over 18k Phys damage +9)
    All skills unlocked including T.Passive
    El Officer set (Red) 5/5 including accessories (No weapon)
    Dancing Flame Weapon title
    SS rank in PVP
    Enchainted [Arme Thaumaturgy] LVL.94 TRANS
    Lanox Gear (+6 with I poison)
    All skills unlocked except T.Passive
    Shopping Mall costume (Mixed,will show photo)
    S rank in PVP
    • Aingelust [Ernbluhen Emotion] LVL.93 TRANS
    Velder Gear (Plagued III with Att activation chance +8)
    All skills unlocked except HA
    Dark Priest (White) 4/5 and DY hair (White)
    Seraphim set (Wings,Aura, Halo etc...)
    SS rank in PVP
    • PinkDwaggie [Grand Archer] LVL 91 TRANS
    Sander Gear (+6 with III Freeze and I Petrified)
    All skills unlocked except HA and T.Passive
    Shopping Mall costume (Mixed)
    S rank in PVP
    • Bravenotich [Iron Paladin] LVL 93 TRANS
    Elder Gear (+6 with II Freeze and Saged Red dmg, 44%)
    All skills unlocked except HA and T.Passive
    Shopping Mall costumed (Mixed)
    S rank in PVP
    • Habooskie [Code:Battle Seraph] LVL 89 TRANS
    Altera Gear (+6)
    All skills unlocked except HA and T.Passive
    Event Maid costume
    • Abrelictus [Apostasia] LVL 80 TRANS
    Alterasia Gear (+6)
    All skills unlocked except HA and T.Passive
    Dark priest costume (Dark) with Death Set
    • CinamonBunny [Lunatic Psyker] LVL. 86 TRANS
    Bethma Set (all +9 with III plagued and Crit/add dmg)
    All skills unlocked except T.Passive
    Idol set 5/5 with Gaia Insignia and Impact Flare (blue)
    S rank in PVP
    • Softiebun [Blazing Heart] LVL 89 TRANS
    Insignificant Set
    All skills unlocked except T.Passive
    Promo costume v.2
    Insignia of Fire(Wings)
    • Benignitas [Noblesse] lvl.89 TRANS
    Bethma Gear (+7)
    All skills unlocked except HA and T.Passive
    Maid Event set and Bad guy Set
    S rank in PVP
    • SillyWolfy [Diabolic Esper] lvl 85
    Heroic Gear (+8)
    All skills unlocked except
    Item mall costumes
    These are my main characters,i have other characters as well but they're less important. Note that i've been using VIP for a year and a half now consistently, so i didn't buy any Magic Necklace or Ring.
    Perks of VIP:
    Able to use Consumable Slot.
    Able to use Skill Slot B.
    Stamina is infinite.
    Experience gained is increased by 20%.
    Able to use VIP items.
    Able to use VIP title.
    Rewarded Run for Henir's Time and Space is increased by 2.
    Skill Quests' item drop rate is increased by 50%.
    Hyper Actives Skill Damage is increased by 10%.
    Able to use VIP Pet (with Fetch Aura).
    Able to use VIP Mount
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. Silent

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    Hello, I am wondering if you are still selling this account?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  3. Skripz

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    I Think He Is As He Has Not Gave Any More Feedback On This Post
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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