Selling Infighter 505ilvl on eng community server!!!

Discussion in 'Lost Ark Accounts Buy & Sell - LAO Account for Sale' started by Zed93, 4/12/19.

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  1. Zed93

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    Hi guys, i'm selling my infighter 505 ilvl on eng community server as title say, im still playin and the account is in progression but im looking to sell it cause have always less time cause work to play, the account is a verifiable account with the montly fee, that means with the account you are going to take as your responsability the montly fee to pay to the owner.
    The account got a lot of mount, with a legendary one the snowfleek dee, the lastest dragon avatar and a lot of more mount and avatars.
    Got also 27 island hearts and 727 mokokos seed.
    All song unlocked on the game all the hardest once unlocked just miss the rohendel one since got out few weeks ago, and is all 80+% on every continent progression.
    Got an extra skill preset slot too.
    With this account you are going to play a full complet late game gameplay with all raid stuff.
    The account got also a lot of in game money, and an inventory fulll of usefull things.
    survived all the reverification waves, you can't buy a most safe and secure account.
    The price is setted as 100Euro. Pm me on discord or just drop a post here if you are interested and for some picks of my Infighter. (Discord: Zed93#2505).
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