Selling Selling gold II account. not willing to get paid a...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kyle Lee, 6/10/13.

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  1. Kyle Lee

    Kyle Lee
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    Selling gold II account. not willing to get paid a lot. Akali (Stinger Akali) -Amumu -Anivia -Annie -Ashe (Freljord Ashe) -Brand -Caitlyn (Sheriff Cait) -Corki -Diana (Valkyrie Diana) -Mundo -Draven -Evelyn -Ezreal (Nottingham, Frosted,) -Elise (Death Blossom Elise) -Galio -Gangplank -Garen (Sanguine Garen) -Gragas -Hecraim -Irelia -Janna -Jarvan -Jax (Angler Jax) -Jayce (Debonair Jayce) -Karthus (Grim Reaper Karthus) -Kassadin -Katarina (Bilgewater Katarina) -Kayle -Kennen (M.D Kennen) -Khax (Mecha) -Karma -Leblanc -Lulu -Lux (Steel Legion) -Malphite -Malz -Master Yi (Assasin and Samurai) -Miss Fortune -Mordekaiser -Morgana -Nami -Nasus -Nidalee (Headhunter) -Nunu -Olaf (Brolaf) -Pantheon -Rammus -Ryze -Shaco -Shen -Singed -Sion -Sona -Soraka -Teemo (Scout) -Tristana (Guerilla) -Trundle -Tryndamere (King) -Twisted Fate (Jack of Hearts) *Also have Pax TF, which i will sell with both the account or seperate* Only method of trade im accepting is ill give you every digit of the code but last 2, you'll trade, ill finish it. -Twitch (Kingpin) -Varus (Blight) -Vayne (Dragonslayer) -Veiger (Leperchaun) -Vlad -Warwick -Xin Zough -Zed
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