Sold Selling Gold Border account 40 champs 29 skins 1.4k RP (FAST SALE!)

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by cameron.schauer, 11/24/17.

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  1. cameron.schauer

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    WTS account that's gold border season 7 as title suggests, I have screenshots of the account but epic is saying they are too large. if you'd like to see screenshots or images I have them all saved, let me know on skype etc.

    I've got the following champions:

    Talon, Kayn, Zed, Rammus, Wukong, Veigar, Ekko, Riven, Twitch, Katarina, Soraka, Kassadin, Lulu, Annie, Amumu, Fiora, Ryze, Garen, Graves, Taliyah, Taric, Fizz, Teemo, Twisted Fate, Tristana, Yasuo, Sivir, Ashe, Nunu, Evelynn, Gragas, Kayle, Master Yi, Pantheon, Poppy, Sejuani, Singed, Tryndamere, Warwick, Xin Zhao

    The Skins for the account:


    Soulhunter Kayn, Deathsworn Zed, Radiant Wukong, Underworld Wukong, Omega Squad Veigar, Omega Squad Fizz, Deathsworn Katarina, Project Katarina, Star Guardian Soraka, Reaper Soraka, Cosmic Reaver Kassadin, Pool Party Fiora, Frejlord Taliyah, Bear Cavalry Sejuani


    Dawnbringer Riven


    Samsung White Talon, Dragon Blade Talon, Championship Zed, Ninja Rammus, White Mage Veigar, Sandstorm Ekko, Redeemed Riven, Samsung White Twitch, Pharoah Amumu, Headmistress Fiora, Victorious Graves, Heartseeker Ashe, Amethyst Ashe, Firefang Warwick, Armor of the Fifth Age Teric

    Other perks to the account:

    Unverified Email and 1.4k RP points.

    Will accept the offers of $60.00-$75.00 you can contact me via

    Skype: Cameron.buddi
    Text: 727-560-2494
    Email: [email protected]
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