Selling Selling garena LoL id (SEA) All champion owned 133...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Gao Fei, 9/10/13.

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  1. Gao Fei

    Gao Fei
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    Selling garena LoL id (SEA) All champion owned 133 Skin Foxfire Ahri Nurse Akali, Longhorn/Golden Alistar, Sad Robot Amumu Team Spirit Anivia Reverse/Panda Annie Amethyst Ashe IBlitzcrank/ Piltover Customs Bltzcrank (legendary) Zombi Brand (Legendary limited) Officer Caitlyn/ Arctic Warfare Caitlyn (limited) Mythic Cassiopeia Jurassic Cho'Gath Ice Tobaggan Corki ( limited) Bioforge Darius Dark Valkyrie Diana Mr.Mundoverse/ TPA mundo ( limited) Soul Reaver Draven Death Blossom Elise Masquerade Evelynn Pulsefire Ezreal ( ultimate legendary) Surprise Party Fiddlestricks Nightraven Fiora Fisherman Fizz Gatekeeper Galio ( legendary) sailor Gangplank Steel Legion Garen/ Dreadknight Garen Gragas,Esq. Malfia Graves Reaper Hecarim Blast Zone Heimerdinger Aviator/Nightblade Irelia Frost Queen/Tempest Janna Warring Kingdoms J4 Angler/The Mighty Jax (limited) Full Metal Jayce traditional/ Sakura Karma Statue of Karthus Pre-Void Kassadin Sandstrom Katarina Judgment Kayle/ Aether Wing Kayle ( limited legendary) Arctic Ops Kennen Mecha Kha'Zix Jurassic Kog'Maw Prestigious LeBlanc Dragon Fist Lee Sin Iron Solari Leona Wicked Lulu Sorceress Lux Glacial Malphite Shadow Prince Malzahar Totemic Maokai Chosen Master Yi Mafia Miss Fortune Pentakill Mordekaiser Blade Mistress Morgana Dreadknight Nasus AstroNautilus Leopard/Pharaoh Nidalee Ravager/Frozen Terror Nocturne Demolisher Nunu Pentakill Olaf/ Brolaf ( legendary) Sewn Chaos Orianna Full Metal Pantheon Battle Regalia Poppy Phoenix Quinn Molten Rammus Bloodfury Renekton Headhunter Rengar Battle Bunny/Redeemed Riven Rumble in the Jungle Dark Crystal Ryze Traditional Sejuani Masked Shaco Blood Moon Shen Darkflame Shyvana Surfer Singed Warmonger/Lumberjack Sion Huntress Sivir ( limited) Sandscourge Skarner Pentakill/Muse Sona Celestine Soraka Tyrant Swain Justicar Syndra Crimson Elite Talon Bloodstone Taric Super/cottontail Teemo Deep Terror Thresh Rocket Girl/Riot/ Buccaneer Tristana Traditional/Lil'Sluggger Trundle King Tryndamere Tango Twisted Fate Gangster Twitch Black Belt Udyr Butcher Urgot Arclight Varus Heartseeker Vayne Leprechaun Veigar Neon Strike Vi Prototype Viktor Vandal Vladimir Northern Storm Volibear Hyena/Firefang Warwick General Wukong Scorched Earth Xerath Commando/ Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao Pentakill Yorick Shockblade Zed Snow Day Ziggs( limited) Time Machine Zilean Wildfire Zyra 45 Icons Solo duo ( Bronze 2) Rank Team ( Bronze 1) wins (778) 10 Rune page RED 0.95 Physical Dmg x9 0.87 Magic Pen x9 0.91 Armor YELLOW 0.59 AP X9 1.4 Armor x9 21 Mana at lvl 18 x9 5.35 Health x9 BLUE 1.2 AP x9 0.64% Attack Speedx9 3.1 AP at lvl 18x 9 1.34 MR x9 QUINTESSENCES 5APx3 2.6 Armor Pen x3 2.3 Physical Dmg x3 3.4% Attack Speed x3 4.5% Crit Dmg x3 1.0 Gold per 10 x3 1.5% Move Speed x3 -2.50% Cooldown at lvl 18 x1 26 Health x3 RP-162 IP-9596 IF interested. Pm for question or pm for offer price Tq
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