Selling Selling Fresh Supreme accounts (Aerith, Duncan, Yiazmat, NEO, UB and Xerath)

Discussion in 'Mobius Final Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by SunnyTiTi, 8/22/17.

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  1. SunnyTiTi

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    All Fresh account is Rerolled (No purchase Magicite) and staying at Node 4 of Chapter 1.

    Two SUPREME cards in a fresh account

    1. Aerith + Minwu and many jobs (Not Fresh anymore): $500
    2. Duncan + Minwu and Viking + White Mage: $350
    3. Duncan + Minwu and Mage + Moggle: $350
    4. Duncan + NEO Exdeath and Dark Knight + Devout: $400
    5. Duncan + Xerath and SOLDIER 1st Class: $300
    6. Duncan + Xerath and many jobs (Not Fresh anymore): $300
    7. Duncan + Yiazmat (No Job): SOLD
    8. Yiazmat + Unbreakable Bonds and Black Mage job: SOLD
    9. NEO + Minwu and Black Mage + Tidus + Paladin: $350
    10. NEO + Unbreakable Bonds and Tidus + Hunter: $400

    Aerith with Jobs:

    1. Tidus or Heretic Knight: $100
    2. Tidus and Heretic Knight: $105
    3. Tidus, Occultist, Knight: $110
    4. Grappler: $120
    5. Pugilist: $140
    6. Heretic Knight, Zidane, Mage, Redmage, Hunter: $140

    Duncan with Jobs:

    1. Grappler or Hermit or Moggle: $120
    2. Moggle and SOLDIER 1st Class: $130
    3. Pugilist, Ranger: $150
    4. Squall: $80
    5. One or more other jobs: $60 (Please message me the job which you'd like)

    Yiazmat with Jobs:
    1. Monk: $100
    2. Grappler or Moggle: $120
    3. Zidane: $80
    4. One or more other jobs: $65 (Please message me the job which you'd like)

    NEO Exdeath with Jobs:
    1. Viking and Hunter: $100
    2. Grappler and Viking and Ranger: $120
    3. Pugilist and Squall and Monk and Knight: $140
    4. One or more other jobs: $55 (Please message me the job which you'd like)

    Unbreakable Bonds with Jobs:

    1. Berserker: $100
    2. SOLDIER 1st Class: $110
    3. One or more other jobs: $55 (Please message me the job which you'd like)

    Minwu with Jobs:
    1. Devout: $90
    2. Pugilist or Zidane or Squall: $80
    3. One or more other jobs: $50 (Please message me the job which you'd like)

    Xerath with Jobs:
    1. Tidus or Dark Knight: $100
    2. Zidane or Squall or SOLDIER 1st Class: $90
    3. Pugilist or Grappler or Hermit or Moogle: $60
    4. One or more other jobs: $50 (Please message me the job which you'd like)

    Payment: PayPal Friends and Family or Good/Service with fee.

    If you need anything, feel free to contact me at SKYPE (mff-assistant) or LINE (SunnyTyTy)

    Thank you very much.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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