Selling [Selling] [External Pixelbased]HOTS Heroes bot

Discussion in 'Heroes of the Storm Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Spikei, 6/1/20.

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  1. Spikei

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    External means that nothing is read from memory or written in the memory of HOTS or warden.


    The majority of bots read and write to the memory assigned by your computer. Blizzard/Warden has the ability to detect that activity; which is why most bot creators are constantly struggling to update their code. They’ll also have to update the memory offsets after each patch – meaning your bot won’t work until you receive and update. This bot is different. It works with Windows – not with HOTS. It emulates user input via keyboard and mouse , it moves your mouse, it clicks, and it does it in a way that is no different from YOU actually moving the mouse. It’s not messing with HOTS at all.
    No injection or any dangerous moves.


    • Pick what heroes to level up
    • Fully pixelbased, no need to update after each patch
    • Loggin everything for you, so you can see what have happen, when you come back
    • Screenshot after each match
    • Support allmost all maps (if i have missed any, please tell me)
    • Security to random pause + other things

    Will try and keep updating it with new features

    BTC: One time payment: 100 USD
    Also offer Lifetime and private builds, PM me and we can talk

    Video: comming soon

    Contact Spiken#5142 on discord in Game-invaders official discord channel

    * - Please note that cheating is always risk and you should understand this when you purchase bot. We do our best to keep bot undetected, but if it will be detected i will do my best to get the cheat update. We dont do refunds!
    NOTE you have agreed to a virtual non-refundable digital product which is VIP Access elevated from standard access in the form of a one time payment. Any misuse such as chargebacks or disputes will result, in a permanent termination of your access and future products we also reserve the right to raise a legal dispute against you!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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