Sold Selling citadel 28 25m power + 8 farm accounts

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XV FFXV - A New Empire Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Lionheart007, 7/15/17.

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  1. Lionheart007

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    Selling account
    Now Citadel 29
    26m power
    1 level away from T4 troops
    Rank 32 for power in realm
    Hero level 50
    VIP maxed
    Troops as follows
    250k each of T2 Warriors, Mage & Calvary
    32k T2 Siege
    250k T3 Mage & Cav
    200k T3 Siege
    900k T3 Warriors
    Total troops 2,355,881 and growing still
    Hero Items
    Full gold Hunter set (weapon, helmet, chest, boots and accessory)
    Gold broadsword (for quicker training of troops)
    Gold Hardedge (for more warrior attack
    Gold goggles for quicker construction
    Gold Battle boots for quicker march speed and attack/def boosts
    Gold Sentinel belt for troop hp/armour/load boosts
    Has monster attack 5 researched
    Training ground lvl 2 unlocked
    Ready for T4 as soon as lvl 30 reached

    8 Farms are as follows
    Lvl 14 energy x 3
    lvl 14 stone x 2
    lvl 14 metal x 2
    lvl 19 wheat x 1


    Message me on line yoshi_lionheart
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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