Selling  Android and iOS Selling acount 2.5T power 1200 Dollars with Trillions of ressources

Discussion in 'Throne Kingdom at War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by tiagonovo96, 12/21/20.

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  1. tiagonovo96

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    Hello i m one veteran player already but im geting a bit tired of the game and constant updates on game, so im still playing but if you are reading this you probably interested in one big acount, wath can i brief about my acount, acount with gears for all troops exept siege missing 3 leg runes, focus on archers at moment i got 2.5B tier 7 archers but i have a bit of each troop, my ressources i got at moment about 3 to ** of normal ressources and 12T of silver plus 2.5B gold, about my studys almost 63 foreign studys missing to finish but i have 96 M trophys should be almost enought to finish them.
    Lots of stamina and energy for hero and inq.
    Im searching for serious and honest buyer so i belive tath would be beter to do the sale trought Midleman to be safer for both. Send me message here or for my wathsapp +351933011737 for faster reply
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