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Discussion in 'West Game Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Sean192, 6/1/21.

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  1. Sean192

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    Selling S87 main and alt(bank) account

    Main account: (13 Day old State)
    Multiple Avatars and a frame unlocked
    Town Center 19 - (Ready for 20 once resources are collected)
    Level 48 Sheriff
    Permanent Grandeur Town Skin - 4 Star
    Permanent Joy Collector Skin
    Permanent Chariot March Skin - 1 Star
    11,568,475 Force (Will go up once troops are revived) [Currently reviving 65,507 T3 Infantry]
    Infantry Spec
    425.38% Attack
    443.44% Defense
    196.81% Life
    VIP 16 - 19 Days 16 Hours VIP Time
    Elite 9 - Exclusive Chest 1-6 purchased
    4-5* Crew of Infantry Heroes (top 5 heroes for quick and easy marches)
    328,618 T3 Infantry
    All T3s Unlocked
    8/10 Cowboy Infantry Defense and Offense technologies
    6/10 Troop Defense and Life technologies

    15 Arsenal Clues and 4 Super Arsenal Clues
    1 - 1D Joy Collector Skin
    1 - 1D Jubilant Party House Skin
    1 - Hero Rename
    1 - 20% Training Cost Saving Boost (3H)
    440 - Town Skin Ticket
    221,233 - Revival Spell
    89,623 - Super Revival Spell
    3 - Random Teleport
    12 - Advanced Teleport
    1 - Alliance Quest Refresh
    1 - Daily Quest Refresh
    3 - Sheriff Development Skill Reset
    2 - 100 VIP Points
    2 - 300 VIP Points
    93 - Wyatt's Shackle
    84 - Church's Frame
    1,120 - Hero Insight (Common)
    5 - Hero Insight (Rare)
    6 - Hero Insight (Epic)
    3 - 2 Hour Peace Shield
    4 - 8 Hour Peace Shield
    18 - 24 Hour Peace Shield
    1 - 50,000 Hero EXP
    1 - Town Edit
    22 - Ammunition Chest

    Approximately 7-10 days worth of speed ups
    Assorted Resources including some reds:
    7 - 1,500,000 Grain
    5 - 2,400,000 Grain
    1 - 5,000,000 Grain
    23 - 25% Food Boost (24H)
    13 - 25% Wood Boost (24H)
    6 - 25% Stone Boost (24H)
    7 - 25% Ore Boost (24H)
    4 - 100% Coin Boost (24H)

    398,230 Loyalty
    47,330 Outlaw Tokens
    11,098 Gold

    Alt (Bank Account):
    Avatar and Frame unlocked
    Town Center 17
    VIP 8 - 23 Days 14 Hours VIP Time
    Elite 7
    1,694,687 Force ( Will go up once T3s are revived)
    Produces enough Grain to keep from losing it over time (hence the bank)
    Level 42 Sheriff
    Production focused gear
    88,000 T3 Infantry (Currently being revived)

    9 - Arsenal Clue
    1 - 30 Day Gold Rush Coupon
    1 - 1D Joy Collector Skin
    1 - Hero Rename
    1 - 1D 2nd Training Queue
    1,045 - Town Skin Ticket
    228,285 - Revival Spell
    93,581 - Super Revival Spell
    3 - Random Teleport
    11 - Advanced Teleport
    1 - VIP Quest Refresh
    2 - Sheriff Development Skill Reset
    35 - Wyatt's Shackle
    26 - Church's Frame
    1 - March Recall
    493 - Hero Insight (Common)
    7 - Hero Insight (Rare)
    130 - Hero Insight (Epic)
    4 - 2 Hour Peace Shield
    2 - 8 Hour Peace Shield
    6 - 24 Hour Peace Shield
    13 - Military Order
    44 - Ammunition Chest

    These numbers may increase or decrease (items in inventory) as time progresses from this initial posting.
    #1 Sean192, 6/1/21
    Last edited: 6/1/21
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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