Selling Selling ~5mil power - T3 - Cit23. Extremely Rare level 7 Gem & Preregistration Gear

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XV FFXV - A New Empire Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dastion, 8/1/17.

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  1. Dastion

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    Selling both my accounts for this game, you can see my other listing on here if it is still available. This account actually has less Power than the other, but it was built better and has some unique preregistration gear and probably the few level 7 gems on the server (they are extreeeemley rare).

    Personally I think this one is the better account of the two, it has better research and some unique & rare gear - plus the packs were spent way more efficiently. You could buy a rss pack and focus on building troops to make this one higher power probably.

    The account comes with its own email so I can pass that on to you or we can change the registered email upon purchase.

    More Details:
    • Approximately $800 invested in account, but it's gotten a lot of resources from trading or using my second account to farm.
    • T4 Monster Tactics Unlocked
    • Level 38 Hero with decent gear for monster hunting or defense.
    • Preregistration Chocobo Helmet offers 4% crit, which is higher than the best crafted item.
    • Preregistration Accessory, Crystal Bracer, offers +2 attack streak and there is nothing even comparable to it for monster killng.
    • Level 7 Trap Attack gem offers +97% Trap attack. It's still not slotted and I got this as an extremely rare reward from a quest. It takes a ridiculous amount of gems combine them up to level 7 naturally so I wouldn't be surprised if this was the only one.
    • Permant Account Boosts are:
    • 50% construction time,
    • Second Build Queue
    • T1 Resource Production Doubler
    • 50% T1 Resource Research Costs
    • 50% T1 Resource Construction Costs
    • 50% T2 Resource Research Costs
    • 50% T2 Resource Construction Costs
    • 100% Loyalty gain boost.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. OP

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    Oh and I forgot realm. Eminent Haven #257
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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