Sold [Selling] 3930 paragon US ns rainbow sword acc

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by zolaonaol1, 11/26/18.

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  1. zolaonaol1

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    3960 paragon US account. overwatch lvl 81 **** . world of Warcraft priest ilvl 356 with mostly heroic gear with BFA. has around 370k gold. took authenticator off.


    has every cube possible on every class. has astral wings. 28pets. 9 wings.
    has rainbow sword. very good gear on most of each class.

    21k reusable parts
    21k arcane dust
    2k veiled
    2k DB
    500 souls

    3000 of each bounty material
    100 gem lvl of each gem, some.

    2000 rift keys
    30k of each gem.
    Most of characters r caldeans depair 120ish on each pc. 5mil dps for ea char


    30k eliminations
    18468 achev
    81**** lvl


    has a 356 priest with all heroic gear except feet and waist. not many mounts.
    has 370k gold which was going to be spent but saved.

    asking for 280$
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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