Selling SELL Diamond V [100 LP in promo atm] Account EUW...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Re Sidu, 10/17/13.

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  1. Re Sidu

    Re Sidu
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    SELL Diamond V [100 LP in promo atm] Account EUW (has still a free switching to other servers!) Original owner, since season 1, providing original e-mail and payment methods etc. 109 Champions 122 Skins (including rare) 10 Runepages with all the runes you could need! Rare summoner icons Season1: Gold Season2: Platinum Season3: Diamond Total skins: Riot Squad Singed Riot Graves Riot K-9 Nasus Riot Girl Tristana Bewitching Nidalee Haunting Nocturne Victorious Janna Judgement Kayle Definitely Not Blitzcrank 1 Blood Moon Akali 2 Unchained Alistar 3 Pharaoh Amumu 4 Bird of Prey Anivia 5 Hextech Anivia 6 Prom Queen Annie 7 Sherwood Forest Ashe 8 Definitely Not Blitzcrank (rare) 9 Apocalyptic Brand 10 Safari Caitlyn 11 Siren Cassiopeia 12 Jurassic Cho'Gath 13 Urfrider Corki 14 Frosted Ezreal 15 Pulsefire Ezreal (theme 3.5kRP) 16 Bandito Fiddlesticks 17 Atlantean Fizz 18 Tundra Fizz 19 Fisherman Fizz 20 Spooky Gangplank 21 Deadknight Garen 22 Hillbilly Gragas 23 Hired Gun Graves 24 Jailbreak Graves 25 Aviator Irelia 26 Frostblade Irelia 27 Victorious Janna (rare) 28 Dragon Slayer Jarvan IV 29 Victorious Jarvan IV (rare) 30 Vandal Jax 31 Angler Jax (rare) 32 Phantom Karthus 33 Statue of Karthus 34 Deep One Kassadin 35 Harbinger Kassadin 36 Bilgewater Katarina 37 Judgement Kayle (rare) 38 Swamp Master Kennen (rare) 39 Kennen M.D. 40 Monarch Kog'Maw 41 Prestigious LeBlanc 42 Acolyte Lee Sin 43 Marble Malphite 44 Shadow Prince Malzahar 45 Overlord Malzahar 46 Totemic Maokai 47 Samurai Yi 48 Waterloo Miss Fortune 49 Dragon Knight Mordekaiser (rare) 50 Lord Mordekaiser 51 Sinful Succulence Morgana 52 Riot K-9 Nasus (rare) 53 Leopard Nidalee (rare) 54 Pharaoh Nidalee 55 Bewitching Nidalee (rare) 56 Frozen Terror Nocturne 57 Haunting Nocturne (rare) 58 Grungy Nunu 59 Sewn Chaos Orianna 60 Battle Regalia Poppy 61 Chrome Rammus 62 Freljord Rammus 63 Bloodfury Renekton 64 Redeemed Riven 65 Rumble in the Jungle 66 Bilgerat Rumble 67 Uncle Ryze 68 Mad Hatter Shaco 69 Royal Shaco 70 Workshop Shaco (rare) 71 Asylum Shaco 72 Yellow Jacket Shen 73 Riot Squad Singed (RARE) 74 Lumberjack Sion 75 Bandit Sivir 76 Sandscourge Skarner 77 Earthrune Skarner 78 Northern Front Swain 79 Tyrant Swain 80 Crimson Elite Talon 81 Recon Teemo 82 Super Teemo 83 Riot Girl Tristana (rare-ish) 84 Buccaneer Tristana 85 Lil' Slugger Trundle 86 Viking Tryndamere 87 Demonblade Tryndamere 88 Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate 89 Tango Twisted Fate 90 Musketeer Twisted Fate 91 Vandal Twitch 92 Primal Udyr 93 Giant Enemy Crabgot 94 Aristocrat Vayne 95 Leprechaun Veigar 96 Count Vladimir 97 Marquis Vladimir 98 Feral Warwick 99 Volcanic Wukong 100 Runeborn Xerath 101 Battlecast Xerath 102 Undertaker Yorick 103 Mad Scientist Ziggz 104 Shurima Desert Zilean 105 Muay Thai Lee Sin 106 Shockblade Zed 107 Sorceress Lux 108 Mecha Kha'Zix 109 Headhunter Rengar 110 Justicar Aatrox 111 Amethyst Ashe 112 Riot Graves (rare) 113 Astronaut Teemo 114 Pool Party Renekton 115 Arctic Warfare Caitlyn 116 Glaive Warrior Pantheon 117 Temple Jax 118 Mafia Graves 119 Sun Goddess Karma 120 Traditional Karma 121 Arclight Varus 122 Foxfire Ahri Ultimate: Pulsefire Ezreal Legendary: Demonblade Tryndamere PM me or contact via skype: patrick_sure PRICE=350€ [ONLY SERIOUS BUYERS, DONT TRY TO SCAM ME..]
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