Resolved RESOLVED - Abuse of feedback system

Discussion in 'Feedback - Open A Claim' started by root113, 4/20/20.

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  1. root113

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    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification

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    My business getting damaged because of a misused feedback from the user "DartRevan". He left a feedback on my profile as a trader saying "Nemunas is scammer". Simply he just trying to warn me against the user called "Nemunas" but he does not have a right to leave a feedback to me simply just to leave a message. He should have left a comment on one of my postings/threads or just directly send a private message to me. I do not have a trading or a purchase history with this user whatsoever. So, he do not have a right to harm my profile and business by leaving a negative feedback by using the system out of its purpose.

    The purpose of the feedback system is to state your experience of purchase or trade with the user that you are leaving the feedback on in order to give an opinion to the possible future buyers or traders. However, unlikely to this situation, if you do not have a purchase or trade history with the specific user, you can simply post under their threads stating your opinions/questions or, another option is to directly contact with him/her by starting a private chat.

    He is using the feedback system for harmful purposes and I request revision and deletion of that feedback. Frankly speaking, your feedback confirmation/validation system needs improvement. How did that feedback got a confirmation ? As I said before and I am saying once more, I do not have a purchase or trade history with this user and I want the revision and following this the deletion of the feedback. I have already reported that relevant feedback but I do not have access to observe or see the report I made so opened a ticket 3 days ago. Yet, no admin or moderator responded.

    I hope it will be fixed.

    Relevant ticket:
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. Help

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    Community Moderator

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    This is fixed.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
    root113 likes this.
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