Global  Rank 100+ Really nice FFBE account level 180 to sell , no injection, no cheat..just pure grind!

Discussion in 'FFBE Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by trepanierjo, 2/24/19.

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  1. trepanierjo

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    Hi im selling my veteran account, i start playing 2 mounts after release and I'm playing full time since. Basically you are ready to play and beat any content for a while without even pulling for another unit.

    It's a rank 179 GL account 100% clear, no injection, I used to TMR farm at the beginning but get bored after a couple months, so I have quite a few TMR (evasion, def, hp, 2x full set of TDH, etc)
    It's already bind to my facebook account but can transfer into any google account!

    This account include:

    7 stars: ( 48 units)

    -Queen (1 short for stmr)
    -MS Nichol (1 short for stmr)
    -Kryla (1 short for stmr)
    -LM Fina
    -Eiko ( STMR)
    -Dark Veritas (1 short for star)
    -Marie (1 short for stmr)
    -Onion Knight ( STMR)
    -Kunshira (1 short for stmr)
    -Delita (1 short for stmr)
    -Roy (1 short for stmr)
    -Sephiroth (1 short for stmr)
    -Elfreeda (1 short for stmr)
    -Knight Delita
    -Mercenary Ramza
    -Hyoh (1 short for stmr)
    -DKC (1 short for stmr)
    -Dark fina ( STMR)
    -Emperor Shera
    -Cloud (STMR)
    -Tidus (1 short for stmr)
    -Aileen (STMR)
    -Nyx (1 short for stmr)
    -Pyro glacial Laswell
    -Awaken Rain
    -Lila (STMR ready)
    -Grim Lord Sakura
    -White Knight Noel
    -Fire Veritas (1 short for stmr)
    -Folka (1 short for stmr)
    -Marquis de Leon
    -Rem (1 short for stmr)
    -Orlandeau (1 short for stmr)

    5 stars base:

    -CG Ignacio
    -Aurora Fryevia
    -Ray Jack
    -Light Veritas
    -Exp. Aileen
    -HT Lid
    -Elza x2
    -Pure Sumonner Rydia
    -Olive x2
    -NG Jake
    -AD Kain
    -Seaside Nichol
    -Fohlen x2
    -Onion Knight
    -Livid Shanttoto

    * 55 millions gil
    * 15k lapis
    * 8 voucher tickets
    * 17 UOC
    * lots of stats pots (hp,mp,atk,mag,spr,def)
    * all trials cleared
    * a tons of tmr, almost every 5 stars owned are 100% ( 100% evade, 2x TDH kit, a couple STMR and almost 20 to come and a lot of enhanced weapon, you can gear any unit for high defense/spr tank , TDH dos, TDH magic and DW magic, evade Tank, etc)
    * lot of 100% specific moogles for 5 stars bases I never pulled
    * 4x 100% moogle ready
    * 270 max materia slot ( a **** load of cryst for enhancement)
    * 150 max items slot
    * 395 max equipements slot
    * 225 max abilities slot

    Can provide photos if needed.

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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