Selling  High End  iOS LGOH r304 Event and GvG heavy. Competes in gold GvG league.

Discussion in 'Legendary Game of Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Vergil04, 4/26/20.

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  1. Vergil04

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    44+ UFs various groupings.
    Many full options for GvG defence team.
    GvG attack team is flood deck. Also a team for all affinities standard gen2 decks.
    Many thousands invested over the the past year and half.
    Account is currently in kings league due to laziness.
    Account does compete in gold league easily. However that will not be guaranteed as it’s based on guild.
    Account is a GL if top 150 GvG and event guild.
    However, this will not be once sold. Just an idea of how successful the account competes.
    Selling due to no longer wanting to play the game.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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