Selling  Asia  End Game Account  Android and iOS Lenombe + Misty + 40K+ XES, Rank 73rd in PvP Month 10 Week 1, 7m+ CP main Lenombe team

Discussion in 'Exos Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ExosBB, 10/20/21.

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  1. ExosBB

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    Hi there, looking to sell my Asia account for $350USD. Account is linked to a dummy Gmail address.

    Main Team is Lenombe (Rachel over 10K attack and over 55.5K HP Fusion enhanced +29, April, Baraka, Zeon, Schmid are all fully orbbed, first team all with Exclusive weapons with full rank 2 level 60 gears). Account also has Misty and a Reversion Clockwork (worth 5000 Crystals) to reset 1 hero's Unleash Potential orbs.
    Dorka, FC Carrie, FC Rudley are all also fully orbbed with Misty partially orbbed.
    All awakened heroes are done with 6 red stones with the exception of Schmid using 6 blue stones.

    Sig Force unlocked as below:

    Lenombe - 3.1
    Greenland - 1.2
    Estoris Republic - 1.2
    Wasted Red - 1.2
    Brunn - 1.2
    Vagabond - 2.4
    Saint West - 1.2

    CM's are contingent on staying in the current guild and allies list. Core Memory Sharing at level 8 (worth 12,000 xes).

    Please contact me through Discord Prysitha/Tim#3946 or below thread IMG_20211004_150025_edit_94128055459074.jpg 1634719979653.jpg 1634719979651.jpg 1634719979648.jpg 1634719979646.jpg 1634719979644.jpg 1634719979641.jpg 1634719979636.jpg for any questions. Thanks!
    #1 ExosBB, 10/20/21
    Last edited: 10/25/21
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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