Selling League of legends euw account for sale 112/114...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Bart Brouwers, 7/15/13.

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  1. Bart Brouwers

    Bart Brouwers
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    League of legends euw account for sale 112/114 champions (no aatrox/quinn) 10 fully equiped runepages with all the runes that there are 1087 normal wins 801 losses Season 1 plat Season 2 plat Season 3 Diamond 2 1237 ip 232 rp left on the account 110 Skins: Blood moon akali Golden Alistar & unchained alistar Pharaoh amumu Bird of prey & noxus hunter anivia Frostfire & reverse annie Woad Ashe Vandal Brand Sheriff Caitlyn Siren Cassiopeia Nightmare, loch ness & jurassic cho'gath UFO Corki Mr. Mundoverse Death Blossom Elise Masquerade Evelynn Explorer & pulsefire ezreal Spectral & suprise party fiddlesticks Atlantean fizz Enchanted galio Spooky gangplank Dreadknight Garen Scuba & hillbilly gragas Mafia Graves Nightblade Irelia Tempest & Victorious Janna Victorious Jarvan IV Vandal & Angler Jax Fullmetal & debonair jayce Grimreaper karthus Deep one kassadin Unmasked & Judgement Kayle Deadly Kennen Lion Dance Kog'Maw Prestigious LeBlanc Muay Thai Lee Sin Dragon Trainer Lulu Sorceress & spellthief lux Glacial Malphite Shadow Prince Malzahar Charred Maokai Chosen Master Yi Road Warrior Miss Fortune Infernal & lord mordekaiser Dreadknight & riot k9 nasus Leopard nidalee Frozen terror nocturne Sasquatch & tpa nunu Glacial olaf Gothic Orianna Ruthless & Perseus Pantheon Scarlet Hammer poppy King &ninja Rammus Galactic Renekton Battle Bunny Riven Rumble in the Jungle Professor & dark crystal ryze Mad Hatter Shaco Blood Moon Shen Boneclaw shyvana Mad Scientist & augmented singed Hextech & barbarion sion Sandscourge & Earthrune Skarner Arcade Sona Dryad Soraka Northern front swayne Emerald Taric Recon, Astronaut & cottontail teemo Riot girl & buccaneer tristana Lil slugger & traditional trundle King Tryndamere Tango twisted fate Vandal Twitch Primal Udyr Butcher Urgot Arclight Varus Dragonslayer vayne Leprechaun veigar Full Machine viktor Firefang warwick Volcanic wukong Imperial xin zhao Undertaker Yorick Shurima desert & time machine zilean Wildfire Zyra Runes: Marks: 9x 0.91 armor 9x 1.3 armor pen 9x 0.95 physical dmg 9x 1.7% atk speed 9x 0.9 armor pen & 0.61 magic pen 9x 0.87 magic pen 3x 2.2% crit dmg Seals: 9x 1.4 armor 9x 0.41 mp5 9x 1.8 ap/lvl 9x 19hp/lvl 9x 2.0 hp5/lvl 9x 1.2mp5/lvl Glyphs: 9x 1.2 ap 1x 0.28 ad 9x 0.64% atk speed 9x 0.83% cdr 2x 0.63 mpen 9x 1.3 mr 9x 3.1 ap/lvl 9x 2.7 mr/lvl Quints: 3x 5 ap 3x 4.3 armor 3x 2.6 armor pen 3x 2.3 ad 3x 3.4% attack speed 3x 1.0 gold/10 3x 26 health 3x 2.7 hp5 3x 2.0% lifesteal bonus 3x 4.0 mr 3x 1.5% ms (razer) If you have any questions just ask away. Highest bidders gets the account. Payment in front.
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  2. OP
    Miedget Boxzang

    Miedget Boxzang
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    how much?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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