Selling Last Chaos Account for Sale. Titan lvl 103

Discussion in 'Last Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 3/4/15.

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  1. Games

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    $350 obo
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    I am done playing Last Chaos and I need to sell my account with the two characters below. Both toons have never been in clan and are not known by anyone on Hatzring server. Both toons don’t have PK enemies. Titan has been just few times on arena in the last 2 years, but I am sure noone remember the name. Never been on siege or participating in PVP outside the castles. I have been SP and Exp farming for the most part in the last 2 years. Ask if you have any questions. My email is [email protected]. Asking price for this account is $350 obo. Payment with Pay Pal only. I just want to get my money back that I spend for AP. Please no spammers. I will give account name and password after I see the money in my Pay Pal account.

    Titan War Master lvl 103. Pictures showing skills, pets and inventory can be provided upon request.
    All passive skills maxed to lvl 103. Most important PVP and PVE general skills maxed too.
    Armor lvl 85-87:
    - Arcane Helmet of Thunder +13 B5
    - Anti Gravity Jacket of Thunder +15 B5
    - Life-Up Pants of Thunder +13 B5
    - Flawless Gloves of Thunder +15 B5
    - Evasive Boots of Thunder +14 B5
    All armor pieces are socketed with 2-3 stones lvl 2. This armor set currently worth close to 1 billion gold.
    - lvl 97 Killer Devastating Red Sword +14 B5, socketed with 3 lvl 2 stones. Currently worth 500 mil gold.
    - bunch of lvl 105-109 weapons from boss drop for Titan, Mage, Healer, Knight and NS
    - lvl 65 Titan sword +5 and axe +5; lvl 33 Titan sword +10 and axe +10
    - Necklace of Thunder +23 attack
    - Neclace of Thunder +24 attack
    - Stone of life +16 Constitution and +100 HP
    - Blue Drake lvl 60 /unmouted/ – currently worth 1.2 billion gold
    - Red Horse lvl 37 /mouted/ – currently worth 130 mil gold

    Inventory and Warehouse: 740 mil Gold; 5 PBI; 81 GstHP; 1300 GHP; 1700 GMP; 54 RejP; 127 LAP; 129 LDP; 63 ExpB; 3 IDP; Pet Coloring Crystals; over 100 Drake eggs and Pan Flutes; 12 Tool Aids; 1005 quality stones; 415 green Herb Leafs and much more.

    Rogue Assassin lvl 36 Phoenix. Pictures showing skills, pets and inventory can be provided upon request.
    All passive and general skills are maxed to lvl 36. Available SP 2175.
    Armor: lvl 30-32 Endemic Set +10; lvl 50-51 Phoenix Set +4
    Weapons: lvl 33 Dimension Blade +10; lvl 33 Medusa Crossbow +10; lvl 53 Phoenix Daggers +4;
    - Drake lvl 57 /unmouted/ – currently worth 800 mil gold
    - Horse lvl 37 /unmouted/ – currently worth 130 mil gold
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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