Selling iOS Knights & Dragons Account (Level 1184) for Sale

Discussion in 'Knights & Dragons Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Sir Johnson, 4/23/17.

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  1. Sir Johnson

    Sir Johnson
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    I'm thinking of getting out of K&D if the price is worthwhile.
    Been playing since the Gremlin Battlesuit was the boss which makes my account older than most I reckon.
    Right now I have 24 sf's, 10 of which are plus versions. Also 2 df+ and another 15df's.
    The Agen's Eternal+ is fully ascended with bling and is the pride of the armours. Info on others available on request.
    I've got 587 gems and $18m+ gold. If I don't sell it I'm aiming for a T3 push late in May (hence I'm saving gems) so I'll have another good armour and bling after that.

    Buy Now - PlayerUp Middleman Service

    I'm in Australia if that makes a difference. Any questions are welcome, post them here or on Line.

    Line ID: braahn
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