Selling INSANE LoL account - KING RAMMUS(2009 Beta), UFO...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/17/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    INSANE LoL account - KING RAMMUS(2009 Beta), UFO CORKI(2010), 1350 ELO! Hi, I'm interested in selling my King Rammus, UFO corki account. It is at 1350 elo at the moment, and has the silver s1 cup! It has two cho skins, and 1K rp on the account. It's an amazing account, and has many unobtainable skins, the rarest being King Rammus. If you guys are interested in picking this one up, message me on - Tamachan334 ! It won't be cheap, and you'll see why once you contact me! WTB: I Need EUW Accout ! Details inside. I Need EUW Accout; Level 30 No ranked S3 80+ Champs Allmost all runes Some skins Payment: Paypal. If u have like this account post ur name.. WTS: lvl 30 account have for EUNE NA just 10$ If u interested add me on : zunzaraza I want a cheap west lol account I there im searching for a cheat lol account, i wont pay more than 15€, or id rather transfer my account back to west, since im now in north east by mistake. I have no need for skins, just champs and ofc runes if possible a decent elo.. No scams and pls a decent account... WTB: LOL account 30 lvl, 95 champs, lot of skins, FREE transfer on EU Hi. I want to sell account in League of Legends. It is on EU-NE, but there's free transfer to EU-W. It have got: 95 champs: -Ahri -Akali -Alistar -Amumu -Anivia -Annie -Ashe -Blitzcrank -Brand -Caitlyn -Cassiopeia -Cho’Gath -Corki -Darius -Dr. Mundo -Draven -Evelynn -Ezreal -Fiddlesticks -Fiora -Fizz -Galio -Gangplank -Garen -Gragas -Graves -Heimerdinger -Irelia -Janna -Jarvan IV -Jax -Jayce -Karma -Karthus -Kassadin -Katarina -Kayle -Kennen -Kog’Maw -Le’Blanc -Lee Sin -Leona -Lulu -Lux -Malphite -Malzahar -Maokai -Master Yi -Miss Fortune -Mordekaiser -Morgana -Nasus -Nautilus -Nidalee -Nocturne -Nunu -Olaf -Orianna -Pantheon -Poppy -Rammus -Renekton -Rumble -Ryze -Sejuani -Shaco -Shyvana -Singed -Sion -Sivir -Skarner -Sona -Soraka -Swain -Talon -Taric -Teemo -Tristana -Trundle -Tryndamere -Twisted Fate -Udyr -Varus -Vayne -Veigar -Viktor -Vladimir...
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