Selling I'm selling my League of Legends account due to...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade, 8/6/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade

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    I'm selling my League of Legends account due to lack of money. Price: Highest bidder over 300€ Influence Points (IP): 1879 Riot Points (RP): 74 Server: EU West. (ADD ME IF YOU'RE INTERESTED!!!!!) Username: xGRINCHx It has got ALL Champions. Due the fact that it has quite the few unaviable skins, this is worth much more than what I'm selling it for, and the reason for that is because I need the money fast Rune Pages: 6 Mastery Pages: 20 Normal Wins: 680 Dominion Wins: 20 ARAM Wins: 70 Solo Queue Wins: 70 (Bronze III) "Why You Should Purchase This Account?" Well, if you're looking for account with most of the content unlocked, but also want to make your way to the "higher leagues" yourself, This is perfect for you. These are the skins: (87) 1.Justicar Aatrox 2.Dynasty Ahri 3.Foxfire Ahri 4.Stinger Akali 5.Unchained Alistar 6.Almost-Prom king amumu 7.Bird of prey anivia 8.Freljord Ashe 9.Woad Ashe 10.Boom Boom Blitzcrank 11.Zombie Brand 12.Desperada Cassiopeia 13.Loch ness Cho'gath 14.Rageborn Mundo 15.Tpa Mundo 16.Gladiator Draven 17.Death blossom Elise 18.Tango Evelyn 19.Pulsefire Ezreal 20.Tpa Ezreal 21.Headmistress Fiora 22.Fisherman Fizz 23.Special Forces Gankplank 24.Stell Legion Garen 25.Hired Gun Graves 26.Blood Knight Hecarim 27.Headless Hecarim 28.Nightblade Irelia 29.Infiltrator Irelia 30.Hextech Janna 31.Commando Jarvan IV 32.Nemesis Jax 33. Full metal Jajce 34.Traditional Karma 35.Deep One Kassadin 36.Mercenary Katarina 37.Sandstorm Katarina 38.Karate Kennen 39.Artix ops Kennen 40.Monarch Kog'maw 41.Iron Solari Leona 42.Bitterweet Lulu 43.Sorceress Lux 44.Marble Malphite 45.Glacial Malhpite 46.Haunted Maokai 47.Samurai Master Yi 48.Waterloo Miss Fortune 49.Secret agent Miss Fortune 50.Koi Nami 51.Galactic Nasus 52.AstroNautilus 53.HeadHunter Nidalle 54.Tpa Nunu 55.Tpa Oriana 56.Perseus Pantheon 57.Freljord Rammus 58.Galactic Renekton 59.Billgerat Rumble 60.Asylum Shaco 61.Suregon Shen 62.Warlord Shen 63.Tpa shen 64.Hextech Singed 65.Lumberjack Sion 66.Sandscourge Skarner 67.Earthrune Skarner 68.Pentakill Sona 69.Guqin Sona 70.Dryad Soraka 71.Northern Front Swain 72.Armor Of the Fifth Age Taric 73.Recon Teemo 74.Tango Twisted Fate 75.Musketeer Twisted Fate 76.Underworld Twisted Fate 77.Primal Udyr 78.Giant enemy Crabgot 79.White mage Veigar 80.Superb Villain Veigar 81.Full Machine Viktor 82.Big Bad Warwick 83.Tundra Hunter Warwick 84.Feral Warwick 85.General Wukong 86.Warring kingdoms Xin Zhao 87.ShockBlade Zed Runes: Marks: x9 Greater Mark of Ability Power (+0.59 ability power) x7 Greater Mark of Armor (+0.91 armor) x9 Greater Mark of Armor Penetration (+1.28 armor penetration) x9 Greater Mark of Attack Damage (+0.95 attack damage) x9 Greater Mark of Attack Speed (+1.7 attack speed) x9 Greater Mark of Critical Chance (+0.93% critical chance) x2 Greater Mark of Critical Damage (+2.23% critical damage) x9 Greater Mark of Health (+3.47 health) x4 Greater Mark of Hybrid Penetration (+0.9 Armor Penetration / +0.62 Magic Penetration) x9 Greater Mark of Magic Penetration (+0.87 magic penetration) x4 Greater Mark of Mana (+5.91 mana) x1 Greater Mark of Scaling Magic Resist (+0.07 magic resist per level / +1.26 at champion level 18) Seals: x9 Greater Seal of Ability Power (+0.59 ability power) x9 Greater Seal of Armor (+1.41 armor) x9 Greater Seal of Attack Damage (+0.43 attack damage) x9 Greater Seal of Attack Speed (+0.76% attack speed) x9 Greater Seal of Gold (+0.25 gold / 10 sec.) x1 Greater Seal of Health Regeneration (+0.43 health regen / 5 sec.) x9 Greater Seal of Mana Regeneration (+0.41 mana regen / 5 sec.) x9 Greater Seal of Scaling Ability Power (+0.1 ability power per level / +1.8 at champion level 18) x1 Greater Seal of Scaling Attack Damage (+0.06 attack damage per level / +1.09 at champion level 18) x9 Greater Seal of Scaling Health (+1.08 health per level / +19.44 at champion level 18) x1 Greater Seal of Scaling Health Regeneration (+0.11 health regen / 5 sec. per level / 1.98 at champion level 18) x9 Greater Seal of Scaling Mana Regeneration (+0.065 mana regen / 5 sec. per level / +1.17 at champion level 18) Glyphs: x9 Greater Glyph of Ability Power (+1.19 ability power) x9 Greater Glyph of Attack Damage (+0.28 attack damage) x9 Greater Glyph of Attack Speed (+0.64% attack speed) x9 Greater Glyph of Critical Damage (+0.56% critical damage) x9 Greater Glyph of Magic Resist (+1.34 magic resist) x9 Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power (+0.17 ability power per level / +3.06 at champion level 18) x4 Greater Glyph of Scaling Cooldown Reduction (-0.06% cooldowns per level / -1.11% at champion lvel 18) x10 Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist (+0.15 magic resist per level / +2.7 at champion level 18) Quintessences: x3 Greater Quintessence of Ability Power (+4.95 ability power) x3 Greater Quintessence of Armor (+4.26 armor) x3 Greater Quintessence of Armor Penetration (+2.56 armor penetration) x4 Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage (+2.25 attack damage) x3 Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed (+3.4% attack speed) x3 Greater Quintessence of Gold (+1 gold / 10 sec.) x2 Greater Quintessence of Hybrid Penetration (+1.79 Armor Penetration / +1.4 Magic Penetration) x3 Greater Quintessence of Life Steal (+2% Lifesteal) x2 Greater Quintessence of Magic Penetration (+2.01 magic penetration) x1 Greater Quintessence of Magic Resist (+4 magic resist) x3 Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed (+1.5% movement speed) x3 Greater Quintessence of Percent Health (+1.5% increased health.) x2 Greater Quintessence of Scaling Mana Regeneration (+0.24 mana regen / 5 sec. per level / +4.32 at champion level 18) x1 Razer Quintessence of Speed (+1.5% movement speed) (RARE!!!!) x1 Quintessence of Armor (+3.32 armor) Facebook
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