Selling  High End High End GW2 Account worth 26k gold

Discussion in 'Guild Wars Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Peter Lustig, 5/11/18.

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  1. Peter Lustig

    Peter Lustig
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    Hey, after over 3k hours in this game and a beautiful time, I want to sell my account to someone who will use it more than i do now. I was a Pvp-Player and got almost every cool skin for every weapon or armor available in the game, so if u want to look good, this one is for you! I also have 300 gold in my inventory right now and got the skins for sunrise and twilight, the legendary bolt, some ascended weapons as well as the ghastly grinning shield. Furtermore, the account has 5 characters on lvl 80 with one full map exploration ( my main ). My main also has full ascended armor and weapons on berserker stats, so if u want to play Pve, there is nothing stopping you. Furthermore, I bought both addons HoT and PoF with this account. Additionally,I invested more than 2000$ over the years, together with the 3000 hours placed thats why I cant sell the account for a cheap price. This Acc is more than worth 500$ ! Just message me if u are interested in the account, I will be answering all your questions :D
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