Selling greetings, I am selling an LOL account on the euw...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by August Marčan, 9/23/13.

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  1. August Marčan

    August Marčan
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    greetings, I am selling an LOL account on the euw server. The account is Platinum 1 and it includes: all champions (includingi lucian) 123 799 IP points 274 RP points 20 Rune pages with pretty much all runes 67 skins: Justicar aatrox Unchained allistar Pharaoh ammumu Noxus hunter anivia freljord ashe boom boom blitzcrank jurassic chogath bio forge darius death blossom elise tango evelynn PULSFIRE EZREAL minuteman gangplank scuba gragas frostblade irelia victorious janna Darkfore jarvan IV Warning kingdom jarvan IV vandal jax Full metal jayce traditional karma judgment kayle Karate kennen caterpillar kogmaw Traditional lee sin Dragon fist lee sin Muay thai lee sin bloodstone lissandra shamrock malphite obsidian malphite coral reef malphite shadow prince malzahar totemic maokai pentakill mordekaiser galactic nasus subterrenan nautilus pharaoh nidalee ETERNUM NOCTURNE frozen terror nocturne Myrmidon pantheon Perseus pantheon Full metal pantheon phoenix quinn molten rammus headhunter rengar tribal ryze traditional sejuani mad hatter shaco royal shaco masked shaco surgeon shen ironscale shyvana muse sona justicar syndra emerald taric riot girl tristana traditional trundle jack of hearts twisted fate SPIRIT GUARD UDYR heartseeker vayne white mage veigar neon strike vi count vladimir tundra hunter warwick jade dragon wukong warning kingdom xin zhao Details and prices inbox or skype august.marcan666 or mail me if not on skype [email protected]!
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