Selling  GOODGAME EMPIRE TOP TIER ACCOUNT - US1 LEG. LEVEL 800 - Open for more details

Discussion in 'Goodgame Empire Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Daniel GG, 3/27/21.

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  1. Daniel GG

    Daniel GG
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    My Location:
    Selling a Goodgame Empire account Lvl 70 Legendary Level 800 in US1 server

    - In a top 10 alliance

    - 40K food production at main castle

    - 72k food production at outpost 1

    - 53k food production at outpost 2

    - 45k food production at outpost 3

    - All outposts are 8-food outposts, and all of them are very close to the main castle, being able to station troops and send resources quickly

    - All locations are equipped with top-tier relic castellans

    - Main PVP commander is 133.5/144 - 109 courtyard - 41.1 flanks - 88.8 late army detection, as I prioritized ranged and cy. I have hundreds of other good gems if you and other relic commanders if you wanna

    - All locations have quicklime bombs equipped for defense

    - Hall of Legends lvl 550 (maxed)

    - Tens of thousands of nomad tablets and samurai tokens

    Any questions or if you are interested in it, message me on discord: DaniG#5407 . Make sure you message me there because I will probably not know if you reply to this thread

    Price is about $200 as I have spent much more times than that, but some buildings are burning so I made a #. It is # though, so if you are interested let me know in discord.
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