Selling  Android and iOS  High End Food Fantasy - Level 100+ Day 1 Player - Gloriville

Discussion in 'Food Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Sellou, 1/13/20.

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  1. Sellou

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    My Location:
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    Player since day 1 of global release. Payment through paypal & willing to haggle. Contact me at [email protected]

    -Restaurant: Place top 50 fame every week
    -Fishing: 5th fisher slot unlocked
    -Catacombs floor auto 95
    -1 year summoner and adventurer monthly packs expiring 3 months from this listing date
    -Spent a lot of $$$ on skins & restaurant deco on this account. Message me for specifics
    -Streak ongoing for fruit tart

    On Hand Resources:
    7k+ crystals, will not run out of gold if I tried, 60k+ tips, 15k+ summoning embers, 6 Marriage Pledges unused

    UR Food Souls:
    5* CLB (Node 1 unlocked), White Truffle, Pizza (Node 2 unlocked), Somen, Peking (Node 2 unlocked), DS, Bamboo, B52, Foie
    4* Mapo (Node 3 unlocked), Turkey (Node 3 unlocked), Butter tea, Boston Lobster, Cloud tea,
    3* Oyster (Node 3 unlocked), Rum, BBB, Gingerbread
    2* Osechi, Stargazey
    1* Whiskey, Apple pie, Milt, Caviar, Canele, Fruit tart
    0* Toso, Dragon & phoenix, Champagne, Maofeng tea, DBC, Raindrop, Hotpot, Tteokguk

    Other Useful Food Souls:
    4* Beer, 4* Pineapple Bun

    M Food Souls:
    All 5* (except takoyaki for being a new unit) with max relevant skills scaled to level

    Useful FA:
    +15 Uke Mochi E. RES
    +14 Uke Mochi E. RES
    +13 Uke Mochi E. RES
    +10 Uke Mochi E. CAUTIOUS
    +14 Tuschi RES
    +13 Tuschi RES
    +10 Tuschi BRAVE
    +13 Orochi RES
    +12 Inu RES
    +11 Inu BRAVE
    +10 Inu BRAVE
    +12 Thundaruda CAUTIOUS
    +11 Conch RES
    +10 Conch BRAVE
    +11 Uke Mochi RES
    +10 Aizen BRAVE
    +10 Spectra RES
    and a bunch of other non-Uke Mochi E's and Tuschi +8, +7, +6's

    Feel free to contact me at [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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