Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade, 8/6/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade

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    EUW DIAMOND s2 ACCOUNT GOLD s3 WITH 154 SKINS + ALL CHAMPS (108/108) !!!!! Hello guys: Im selling my Account Diamond S2 , and Gold s3 in EU WEST ! It have Boarder Diamond Solo and 5v5 Ranked. THis account have ALL THE CHAMPS (108/108) -Runes Pages : 14 -Runes : ALL RUNES -IP POiNTS : 12000 -RIOT POINTS : 291 But the most important thing about this account is : ------->> TON OF SKINS ! -Ahri Firefox -Crimson Akali // Blodd Moon Akali -SAd Robot Amumu -Hextech Anivia -Reverse Annie // Panda Annie -Freljord Ashe // Sherwood Forest Ashe -Cryocore Brand // Zombie Brand (*) -Battlecast Prime (*) -UFo Corki (**) // Red Baron Corki (*) // Hot Rod Corki // Urfinder Corki -Corporate Mundo (*) -Shadow Evelynn // Tango Evelynn -Frosted Ezreal // Pulsefire Ezrael (*) -Spectral Fiddlesticks // Dark CAndy Fiddlesticks (*) -Minuteman Gangplank -Dreadknight Garen -Scuba Gragas (*) // Hillbilly Gragas // Santa Gragas (**) // Gragas Esp. (*) // Vandal Gragas // Gragas Oktoberfest (All the skins) -Riot Graves -Reaper Hecarim // Headless Hecarim (*) -Infiltrator Irelia // NightBlade Irelia -Victorious Janna // Frost queen Janna -Commando Jarvan 4 // Dragon SLayer Jarvan 4 // Victorious Jarvan 4 // Warring Kingdoms Jarvan 4 -Vandal Jax // Jaximus // Nemesis Jax -FullMetal Jayce -Statue of Karthus // Grim Reaper Karthus // Pentakill Karthus -Harbinger Kassadin -Bilgewater Katarina // High Command Katarina // Sandstorm Katarina // Slay Belle Katarina (*) -Judgement Kayle // Aether Wing Kayle (*) -Mecha Kaz'hix -Caterpillar // Monarch Kog'Maw -Wicked LeBlanc // Prestigious LeBlanc -Dragon Fist Lee Sin // Muay Thai Lee Sin -Defender Leona -Bittersweet LuLu // Wicked LuLu // Dragon Trainer Lulu (*) -Steel Legion Lux -Glacial Malphite -Djinn Malzahar // Overlord Malzahar...
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