EU Masamune + 9x90 jobs

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Final Fantasy XI, 3/22/12.

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  1. Final Fantasy XI

    Final Fantasy XI
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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

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    Account Details:
    Original Owner
    Server: Shiva
    Transfer available
    Tarutaru male
    15.1M gil on hand
    Masamune lvl 85 0/75 hearst
    Armageddon lvl 80

    Nation: San d'Oria rank 10, Bastok rank 10
    Zilart The Last Verse
    Promathia The Last Verse
    ToAU Eternal Mercenary
    Assault First Lieutenant
    Altana When Wills Collide
    C.Prophecy A Crystalline Prophecy (Fin.)
    M.KupoD'etat A Moogle Kupo d'Etat (Fin.)
    S.Ascension A Shantotto Ascension
    Abyssea : All zones cleared + Shinryu win + access

    WAR 90 MNK 90
    WHM 90 BLM 90
    RDM 90 THF 90
    PLD 66 DRK 85
    BST 75 BRD 90
    RNG 90 SAM 85
    NIN 77 DRG 77
    SMN 90 BLU 56
    COR 75 PUP 23
    SCH 25 DNC 49

    Smithing 39
    Clothcraft 55
    Alchemy 60
    Woodworking 60
    Goldsmithing 19
    Leathercrafting 100+3
    Bonecraft 54
    Cooking 36
    Fishing 89+4

    Atma of the Lion
    Atma of the Stout Arm
    Atma of the Twin Claw
    Atma of Allure
    Atma of Eternity
    Atma of the Heavens
    Atma of the Baying Moon
    Atma of the Ebon Hoof
    Atma of Tremors
    Atma of the Savage Tiger
    Atma of the Voracious Violet
    Atma of Cloak and Dagger
    Atma of the Stormbird
    Atma of the Noxious Fang
    Atma of Vicissitude
    Atma of the Beyond
    Atma of Stormbreath
    Atma of Gales
    Atma of Thrashing Tendrils
    Atma of the Drifter
    Atma of the Stronghold
    Atma of the Harvester
    Atma of Dunes
    Atma of the Cosmos
    Atma of the Adamantine
    Atma of Calamity
    Atma of the Clawed Butterfly
    Atma of the Desert Worm
    Atma of the Impregnable Tower
    Atma of the Demonic Skewer
    Atma of the Gnarled Horn
    Atma of the Deep Devourer
    Atma of the Mounted Champion
    Atma of the Razed Ruins
    Atma of the Winged Enigma
    Atma of the Sanguine
    Atma of the Minikin Monstrosity
    Atma of the Would-Be King
    Atma of the Demonic Lash
    Atma of the Murky Miasma
    Atma of the Brother Wolf
    Atma of the Ascending One
    Atma of the Smiting Blow
    Atma of the Lone Wolf
    Atma of the Crimson Scale
    Atma of the Scarlet Wing
    Atma of the Omnipotent
    Atma of the Plaguebringer
    Atma of the Shrieking One
    Atma of the Crushing Cudgel
    Atma of the Persistent Predator
    Atma of the Stone God
    Atma of the Despot
    Atma of the Hateful Stream
    Atma of the Sundering Slash
    Atma of the Apocalypse
    Atma of the Heir
    Atma of the Full Moon
    Atma of Illusions
    Atma of the Banisher
    Atma of the Sellsword
    Atma of Camaraderie
    Atma of Echoes
    Atma of Dread
    Atma of Ambition
    Atma of the Beast King
    Atma of the Kirin
    Atma of the Dragon Rider
    Atma of the Impenetrable
    Atma of Alpha and Omega
    Atma of the Ultimate
    Atma of the Hybrid Beast
    Atma of the Dark Depths
    Atma of the Zenith
    Atma of Perfect Attendance
    Atma of the Rescuer
    Atma of the Einherjar
    Atma of the Illuminator
    Atma of the Ace Angler

    Lunar abyssite 3x
    Abyssite of Merit 5x
    Abyssite of Discernment 1x
    Abyssite of Cosmos 1x
    Abyssite of Sojourn 6x
    Abyssite of celerity 3x
    Abyssite of Avarice 2x
    Abyssite of confluence 2x
    Abyssite of expertise 2x
    Abyssite of fortune 3x
    Abyssite of kismet 2x
    Abyssite of Prosperity 1x
    Abyssite of destiny 3x
    Abyssite of acumen 3x
    Abyssite of lenity 3x
    Abyssite of perspicacity 2x
    Abyssite of the reaper 2x
    Abyssite of guerdon 1x
    Abyssite of furtherance 3x

    20/20 to spend + 9999/10000 limit
    Max Hp 6 Max Mp2
    STR 5
    Dagger 4
    GK 7
    Marksmanship 8
    Enfeebling Magic 4
    Elemental Magic 4
    Summoning Magic 8
    Critical Hit Rate 4
    Spell interruptions rate 4

    WARRIOR: Berserk Recast 3, Double Attack rate 5, Warrior's Charge 4 Savagery 1
    MONK: Counter rate 5, Kick attack rate 5, Formless Strikes 1 Invigorate 4, Penance 5
    WHITEMAGE: Cure cast time 5, Bar spell effect 5, Devotion 5, Protectra 1 Shellra 5
    BLACKMAGE: Ice Magic Potency 5, Lightning Magic Potency 5, Freeze II 4, Tornado II 1, Burst II 4, Flood II 1
    REDMAGE: Ice magic accuracy 3, Wind Magic Accuracy 2, Earth magic Accuracy 3,Dia III 1,
    Slow II 3, Paralyze II 1, Phalanx II 2, Bio III 3
    THIEF: Sneak attack recast 3, Trick attack recast 2 Triple Attack rate 5, Assassin's Charge 5, Feint 5
    DARKKNIGHT: Souleater recast 2, Last resort effect 2, Dark Seal 1, Diabolic Eye 1
    BEASTMASTER: Killer effects 5, Reward Recast 5
    BARD: Lullaby Recast 3, Finale Recast 2, Minuet Effect 5, Nightingale 5, Troubadour 5
    RANGER: Sharpshot Recast 3, Rapid Shot Rate 5, Stealth shot 1, Flashy shot 2, Snapshot5, Recycle 2
    SAMURAI: Store TP effect 5, Meditate Recast 5, Shikikoyo1, Blade Bash 4, OverHelm 5
    DRAGOON: Jump recast 4, High jump recast 4, Deep Breathing 2, Angon 3,
    SUMMONER: Avatar Physical acc and att 2, Avatar magic acc and att 3, Wind Blade 5, Grand Fall 5
    CORSAIR: Quick Draw recast/acc 5, Snake eye 5, Fold 3, Winning Streak 2

    Also got some Key item to pop NM in Abyssea or for VNM

    +729 Beastmanseal
    +616 Kindred's seals

    +265 Traverser's stones (04/22/2011)
    +2.3M Cruors

    + All confluxes in all abyssea zones
    + All outpost warps
    + All dnyamis wins except Tavnazia

    FULL Usukane 5/5, Morrigan 5/5, Hecatomb set 5/5, Zenith set 5/5, Crimson set 5/5
    Homam set 5/5

    Surya's staff +2 (cure potency +22%)
    Vayu's Staff +2 Wind Avatar cost -5
    Shareeravadi +2 Pet Magic Attack bonus +12
    Erebus's Lance
    Soboro Sukehiro
    Taipan Fangs +2 STR+9 att+20
    Kila +2 STR+9 att +20
    Kila +2 DEX+9 Acc+15
    Thief's Knife
    Sirocco Kukri
    Mercurial kris
    Raider's Boomerang
    Ungur Boomerang
    Triplus dagger
    Auster's staff
    Vulcan's staff
    Aquilo's staff
    Terra's staff
    Jupiter's staff
    Neptune's staff
    Apollo's staff
    Pluto's staff
    Molva maul
    Quint Spear
    Vermeil Bhuj
    Othinus Bow
    Vali's bow
    Vision bow
    Trailer's Kukri

    Pan's Horn
    Cantabank's horn
    Iron ram horn
    Crumhorn +1
    Storm Fife
    Cornette +1
    Flute +1

    Thew Bomblet
    Tantra Tathlum
    Phantom tathlum
    Fire Bomblet
    Bibiki Seashell
    Incanor stone

    Anwig salade (STR4 AGI4 Weapon skill acc+15 weapon skill dmg +2%)
    Zha'Go barbut
    Summoner's Horn
    Karura Hachigane
    Caller's horn +2
    Nocturnus Helm
    Unkai Kabuto +1
    Varangian Helm
    Myochin Kabuto
    Tantra Crown +2
    Token Hachimaki
    Genbu's Kabuto
    Raider's bonnet +1
    Optical hat
    Goliard Chapeau
    Aoidoa calot +1
    Sylvan Capette +1
    Goetia Petasos +2
    Walahra Turban
    Orison cap+2

    Hope Torque
    Breeze Gorget
    Caller's Pendant
    Parade Gorget
    Snow Gorget
    Thunder Gorget
    Flame Gorget
    Peacock Charm
    Twilight Torque
    Love Torque
    Enfeebling Torque
    Aesir Torque
    Goetia Chain
    Unkai Nodowa
    Orison locket
    Morgana's Choker
    Wind Torque
    Aoidos Matinee

    Volley Earring
    Novia Earring
    Novio Earring
    Cassie earring
    Musical earring
    Magnetic earring
    Tantra earring
    Kemas earring
    Aesir ear Pendant
    Pixie earring
    Moldavite earring
    Aoidos earring
    Callers earring
    Navarch's earring
    Assault earring
    Brutal earring
    Orison earring
    Loquacious earring
    Unkai Mimikazari

    Orison bliaud +2
    Mirke wardecors (range acc+10 , snapshot+5)
    Yinyang Robe
    Gaudy Harness
    Zahak's mail
    Askar Korazin
    Gloom Breasplate
    Augur's Jaseran
    Goliard Saio
    Kirins osode
    Shura Togi
    Temple cyclas
    Raider vest +1
    Scorpion harness
    Wizard coat
    Nashira manteel
    Errant Houppelande
    Aoidos Hongreline +2
    Caller's Doublet+2
    Sylvan Caban+1
    Fishermans smock
    Royal Guard livery
    TannerÄs Apron
    Goetia coat +1
    Adaman Hauberk
    Bleesed Briault
    Noble Tunic

    Serpentes cuffs
    Seiryu's Kote
    Carbuncle Mitts
    Ochimusha Kote
    Choral cuffs +1
    Saotome Kote
    Tantra Gloves +2
    Heafoc Mitts
    Bandomusha Kote
    Melee Gloves
    Temple Gloves
    Raider's armlets +2
    Assassin's Armlets
    Oracle's Gloves
    Aoidos manchettes +1
    Tanner's Gloves
    Dusk Gloves
    Goetia Gloves +1

    Aqua ring
    Sirona's ring
    Arewe ring
    Minstrel' ring
    Balrahn' ring
    Bifrost ring
    Evoker Ring
    Jelly ring
    Luzaf ring
    Nereid ring
    Hoard ring
    Diamond +(INT+2 MND+2)
    Omega ring
    Rajas ring
    Toreador's ring
    Vulcan's ring

    Orison cape
    Nexus cape
    Terebellum Mantle
    Libeccio Mantle
    Tiresias cape
    Gigant Mantle
    Jester's cape +1
    Aslan cape
    Boxers mantle
    Goetia Mantle
    Twilight cape
    Atheling Mantle
    Hyorin Obi
    Rairin Obi
    Navarch Mantle
    Twilight cape
    Amemet Mantle +1

    Hierarch belt
    Buccaneer's belt
    Aristo Belt
    Snow Belt
    Goading Belt
    Anguinus Belt
    Black Belt
    Twilight belt
    Penitent's Rope
    Aoidos Belt
    Swift belt
    Warwolf belt

    Orison pantaloons +1
    Sylvan Bragues +2
    Skadi Chausses
    Evoker spats
    Tatsumaki sitagoromo (movement speed +8%, Elemental Siphon+20)
    Aoidos rhingrave +2
    Estoqueur's fuseau +2
    Nashira Seraweels
    Unkai Haidate +2
    Tantra Hose +2
    Raiders culottes +2
    Wizard's Tonban
    Byakko's Haidate

    Serpentes Sabots
    Herald Gaiters
    Scout's Socks
    Caller's Pigaches +2
    Summoner's Pigaches
    Aoidos Cothurnes +1
    Oracle's Pigaches
    Unkai sune-ate +1
    Danzo Sune-ate
    Tantra Gaiters +2
    Raider's poulaines +2
    Skadi Jambeaux
    Yigit Crackows
    Avocat pigaches
    Sylvan bottillons +1
    Goetia Sabots +1
    Hermes Sandals
    Aurum Sabtons

    Gear available at Porter Moogle NPC in North San d’oria (use the claim slips) :
    Enyo breastplate
    Pair of Enyo cuisses
    Phobos's cuirass
    pair of phobos's cuisses
    Njord's mask
    Njord's jerkin
    Freyr's jerkin
    Marduk tiara
    Maduk Jubbah
    Pair of marduk Shalwar
    estoquer' chappel +1
    pair of estoquer's gantherots+1
    pair of bale flanchard +1
    pair of callers bracers +1
    navarch's tricorne +1
    navarch's frac +1
    pair of navarch's gants +1
    Zenith crown
    zenith mitts
    zenith slacks
    zenith pumps
    crimson scale mail
    crimson greaves
    Suzaku sune-ate
    Homam zucchetto
    Homam corazza
    Wizard's petasos +1
    Wizard's gloves+1
    warlock's chapeau +1
    warlock's tabard +1
    Ninja kyahan +1
    Sorcerer's petasos
    Duelist's chapeau
    Duelist's tabard
    wyrm armet
    Commodore tricorne
    Commodore frac

    Coin of Birth 4x
    Coin of Decay 12x
    Estoqueur seal 1x (body)
    Unkai seal 8x (body)
    Goetia seal 8x (body)
    Navarch seal 1x (legs)
    Orison seal 8x (feet)
    Navarch seal 1x (feet)
    Vision jewel 5x
    Ardor jedel 9x Ardor card 1x
    Wieldance stone 2x
    Wieldance coin 1x
    Balance stone 6x
    and many more...

    2 Mules too TaruTaru female with cooking 98 and a Hume male as store with some items left with low lvl gear

    Can unlock Marduk hands at NPC in aht urgan if you buy the required mats

    Great account is all i can say played for many years

    Only accepting Paypal or Western Union.
    Middle man can be used at the buyer's expense; otherwise the buyer pays me upfront

    Bids starting at 650€.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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