Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Final Fantasy XI, 3/22/12.

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  1. Final Fantasy XI

    Final Fantasy XI
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    hi all

    i'm new to the site and after all these year's have decided to take the dive and sell my account i'm growing distant from ffxi and haven't logged on in over a week.

    i have little INFO on the account at tho moment because as i said havent logged on in over a week and due to that haven't paid my fee's so cannot access the account at this moment.what i am going to do is post a little info and update accordingly as soon as i pay the fee's so i can look at all my gear and post it.

    Rank:5 Bastok hume

    jobs: DNC90 PUP90 SMN90 NIN90 BST86-89 THF86 SAM77 BLM60 all other jobs mostly 30+
    some other low level jobs and brd isn't unlocked.
    1 main char 3 mules one mule is level 50+ i think

    all abbysea areas unlocked!
    all other expansions unlocked!(excluding ACP & ASA)

    Craft's:BC57 WW40-50 Cooking 60+ fishing 17+ Alchemy:29
    with these craft's you can make your own shehie and ink.
    a rough guess you can make a 2k elm log in to a x2 10k stacks of shehie on my server.

    lots of gear,maybe 1mil+ sellables lots of rare ex and merits i will post soon as i pay my fee's

    account is linked to a Security token can mail the token or deactivate on request.

    i have all CD keys i think in the original boxing.i am not the OO of the account but the OO is my brother inlaw who gave me the account years ago to get me in to the game and since then i haven't stopped playing lol(as you know one addictive game)

    PM for more info please and enquirys

    i'm looking for around £200 for this account.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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