Selling Diamond V 439 Wins 389 Losses 91 champions 33...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Andrew Bennett, 7/9/13.

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  1. Andrew Bennett

    Andrew Bennett
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    Diamond V 439 Wins 389 Losses 91 champions 33 Skins 10 Runes pages 23 sets of marks/seals/glyphs (x9) 10 sets of Quints (x3) Alistar - Longhorn Ashe - Woad Caitlyn - Resistance Corki - UFO Darius - Bioforge Dr. Mundo - Toxic Draven - Soul Reaver, Gladiator Ezreal - Frosted Fiddlesticks - Dark Candy Irelia - Frostblade Janna - Victorious Jarvan - Victorious Jax - Vandal Jayce - Debonair Kayle - Viridian, Judgement Lee Sin - Traditional Lux - Spellthief, Steel Legion Malphite - Obsidian Morganna - Exiled Nautilus - Subterranean Olad - Forsaken Rengar - Headhunter Shen - Frozen Taric - Emerald, Armor of the Fifth Age Tristana - Rocket Girl Twitch - Gangster Vi - Neon Strike Warwick - Urf the Manatee Ziggs - Snow Day Send me a message if interested
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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