Selling Crowfall Account - Kickstarter Sapphire upgraded multiple times

Discussion in 'Crowfall Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by NoobGamer, 1/21/17.

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  1. NoobGamer

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    Hey Guys I am selling my Crowfall account. This originally started out as a kickstarter sapphire package, but I have upgraded it and traded multiple items, multiple times. A ton of the items on this account can be gifted to your other account if you already possess one, or can be gifted to a friend etc... Any item starting with a "*" is a giftable item.

    I am selling the account for $1200 (US), if you were to buy the items listed on the account after the upgrades / trades I have done with it it would cost you over $3839 US... Obviously this is a smoking deal at $900 but that's also because I bought into it so early and was able to get kickstarter trades as well to get a # to.

    ***Account will be sold using Middleman only***

    As it stands right now, here is what remains on the account with what the costs associated if you were to buy them individually;

    - Large Castle - $2500 (Later this year this will cost $3280 alone) it comes with the 4 below items
    · * Large Castle Pack
    · * Castle Throneroom -
    · * Parcel Capital Rank 1
    · * Castle Accessory Pack (Kickstarter version)
    - * One Month VIP (50 of these) - $750 ($15 each)
    - * Physical Collectors Edition/USA - $179
    - * Villa - $120
    - * Cottage (2) - $130 ($65 each)
    - * Woodland Stream - $50
    - * 1 Cell Farmlands (15) - $225 ($15 each)
    - * Woodland Grove - $15
    - *Nightmare Mount (Kickstarter) - $30
    - *Warhorse (Kickstarter) - $15
    - * Quarterhorse (Kickstarter) - $10
    - * Merchant Pack Pig - $15
    - * Pack Pig - $10

    Other Bonuses on account without listed Prices
    - * Bank size +20%
    - Character Slot (3)
    - * Divine Cathedral
    - Guild Hall - Company Garrison
    - Expanded Colors Guild Geraldry
    - Expanded Symbols Guild Heraldry
    - * Centaur Relic
    - * StoneBorne Relic
    - * All Father Relic W/Blessing of Knowledge
    - * Gold Statue - Kickstarter
    - Name a Location
    - Name a Fallen Monarch
    - Name a Fallen Hero
    - * Bloodwine Drinking Horn Relic
    - * Dwarven Blacksmith Thrall
    - * Arcane Weapon Set - Kickstarter
    - * Digital Sound Track
    - * Digital Art Book
    - Digital Game Copy
    - Siege Perilous Match Access
    - Alpha group 1
    - Alpha Group 2
    - Beta Group 6
    - Forum Access
    - Unique Character Name (Reserve your character name)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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